Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)

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Ramune walked through the castle as the sun was setting. It had bern almost a month since tje war with soul but Ramune still felt the frustration of not being able to kill the ninetales 'Oh brother of mine your a fool a dame fool!' He thought as he walked dawn the stairs but of course the true thought that was sweaming in his head was the kiss Shawn had guving him and all mixed feelings that came after but Ramune tryed to keep his paws full of work to destracte his mind from it in fact he hasn't seen shawn to much since not knowing what to say or do about it. He always was avoiding the leafeon as if he's life depends on it. Ramune then spotted Emma walking outside to the flawer garden so Ramune decided to go out to try and bond with the espeon. The vaporeon made his way to the garden and walked over to Emma "Hey Emma!" He said as he jumpped bised her. Her fur rippled in shock then her purple gaze landed on Ramune "Ramune!?.....What are you doing here so late?" She asked looking him over. Ramune felt his voice get stuck in his throat knowing what the answer was 'To avoid Shawn.....ugh but that seems rude....I'll have to make a white lie'
He shift his paws around before saying "i...i am here to see Blaze but i can't find I'll go" Emma frowns at him "Uh well he's where he always is.....are you being truthful?" Ramune hated being questioned but he hated lieing more then anything, it's not something he did often. "Ugh who care why am here!" He snapped at her. Emma flinch before shooting him a glare "i came here to get peace not to be yelled at" she grumbles. Ramune just huffed "huh then stop asking me questions and i won't snap at you again.....sorry about by the way" Emma then look3d up at the sky and closed her eye's "hmm....." She just sat there letting the wind ruffle her fur "rain is on it's way....i can feel it" Ramune smiles he loved the rain and he knew that emma wasn't ever wrong about weather after all espeons are vary good in sentencing the near future expressly weather. Emma then got up "i off to bed....see you around Ramune....Oh and Shawn wanted me to tell you he wants to talk....he seemed warried" she then left the vaporeon alone. He sat there feeling lost once again 'Why is life so compacted?'


Ramune was walking through the darkness feeling annoyed by not being able to see "Where am i?" He questions himself but then he hear something behind him but when he looks he couldn't see anything but a light "well light is better then this darkness" he said to no one as he started to run towerds the light but he once he got to the light he suddenly wished he didn't what he saw was blood pure blood almost as much as he had seen in both wars he had fighted in. Ramune looked around feeling discussed "Hello is anyone here!? you need help?!" He painted as he looked around but then he saw something confusion a shiny pikachu sitting by the water covered in blood " wasn't supposed to get away" it grumbled with a frown as Ramune tryed to get closer to the pikachu trying to see what it was looking at but the shiny pikachu then turned it's glare at Ramune with red eyes, eye's filled with pure evil. Ramune stumbled backwards in pure shock


Ramune shoot awake with deep breaths as he wasn't in the water at the time Ramune got to his paws fast looking around to see he had falling asleep in the flawer garden. Ramune looked dawn at hus paws 'What was that? real like dream...that pikachu...i.i.i never seen him before in my it was just a dream though....a really, really realistic one'
"Ramune?!" Ramune flince as he turned to see his brother blaze glanceing at him with a puzzled look "What in Arceus name are you doing out here?'s the middle of night" Ramune then gave a small chuckle "hehe then i can ask you that bro" he then pushed blaze playfully as he walked by the flareon. Blaze let out a startled yelp before shaking his fur "yea i guess you could....but you where sleeping here why....why not go home?...Also Shawn told me hecwas sure you are avoiding him" Ramune froze in place before looking back at Blaze "Why dose everyone care suddenly?" He said and Blaze dropped his ears "Because your good friends with him's weird not seeing you hang with him.....did something happen?....dose it have to do with the war?" Ramune just flopped dawn with his head dawn "i....i. I don't know!" All mixed feelings where botling up inside him he didn't know if he should tell Blaze or not 'shawns gay....what if I'm gay?.....but that dosen't make a luck of sense i fell in love with a girl.....pluse even if i where into male's how could i love another...after what happened....i could never trust another again....and what would pokemon think of me?.....What would Blaze think?'
Blaze sat beside him giving an intrasted look " can you not know?" Ramune fot up and started to walk away "i...i just don't leave me be... I'll go talk ti him if that's what everypokemon wants" Blaze then ran up "Ramune you seem stress and that's rare for you....please tell me what's wrong....don't shut pokemon out again just talk it out" he pleaded and Ramune stopped remembering the last time he used words like that. Ramune glanced at his older brother ".....huh i don't want to shut anyone out and I'm not's just your right something did happen and i don't know how to handle i...i ran from it" Ramune mutters and blaze gave a surprise expression "Wait really? i mean i knew something happened but i didn't expect you to run from your problems" Blaze says as he sat dawn. Ramune sat dawn as well his tail flickering back and forth as he lookes the flareon "Blaze....i...i don't even know how to tell you....honistly I'm a bit afraid on what your going to say or think of me after i do tell you" Blaze leans fowerd "Okey now you gotta tell me....and you don't have to warrie....I'd never judge you....or think less of you" Ramune noded "well you see after tje war happen i went over to Shawns to get healed from the leafeon...and we started talking of course that's narmol though....what shocked me was when i was leaving....Shawn he..h..he
ki-s-sed m-e" Ramune gave a nervous look and Blaze widens his eye's "Wait....what?" Blaze said kinda fast. Ramune lowered hus head avoiding Blaze eye contact "yea...." Blaze was now nearly on the tips of his paws "And what did you do?....did you yell at him like it?" Blaze question his younger brother as if it was tbe most interesting thing he has ever heared. Ramune let a sigh out "That's just it Blaze....i don't know how to feel about it so i ran i....i just ran...i...i think i did like it but....i also like girls.....and if i do like guy's...well hech I'm just learning this about myself...and honestly...i don't know what to do next time i see him" Ramune found himself rumbling on about it until Blaze cut in "Hold on bro calm's what you always say...gotta keep calm and instead of stressing why not explain this to shawn maybe he can help you figure things out" Ramune bit his lower lip and looked away ".....yea....i guess...Blaze please don't tell anypokemon please.....I'm not ready to share this in my life" Blaze gave a understood look "yes of course Ramune i wouldn't tell a secret" Ramune then gave a greatful smile somehow feeling better about the hole thing as he did walk away heading to the river but then spotted the sun raising 'hmm i miswell stay awake now'

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