Chapter 16: Disaster

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The moon was shining and it was a clear night sky as the group of pokemon were walking. Dusty and Mocho were half asleep for they were not dark types. Steel and Matt walked in silence. Steel keep on thinking of jake the jolteon. She couldn't help but smile at the thought but that

disappear When she remembered what Skylar gad said 'i was his mate' Sterl lowerd her head feeling sad at the thought she did not at all like it. "Steel?...are you ok?" Steel heard Matt ask. The shiny umbreon noded "yea i will be ok" she mumbled. Matt shook his head "i heard that one before you can't fool me" He said. Steel looked at him "Matt you said you knew the king what was he like?" Steel asked hopeing to change the subject. Matt smiled as if reliving his life "Ah yes he was kind vary

warm hearted.. But that was his greatest enemy..." Steel looked puzzled by that last thing "huh? What do you mean?" Matt sruged "well it's not important" Steel frowned. She didn't really know anything about a king when she move into the forest Slash had told her what he knew  about him but before then no pokemon as ever said anything 'but what ever it is.. I feel like i may know him or something...i just get a feeling maybe I'm supposed to meet him'

Steel glanced at the ground "so what happened to him everypokemon tells me the same thing that they don't know...but you knew you know?" Matt bit his lower lip at that question "...." Steel ears twiched  she look at matt once again to see that he was upset '"oh?... I'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you" Steel said feeling a bit bad now but Matt shook his head "don't warrie about it i have moved on in my life...the king is no more to me" Steel drooped her ears 'so...i guess I'll never know then'

Steel saw the river and knew they were there now.

Steel saw the mightyena pack "hey Matt's back!" One of them barked. Steel glanced at Matt who seemed pleased to see his pack. The mightyena's ran up to great him. Steel could see Dusty staring at them and the look in his eye's told steel that he was not happy at all. 'It most be hard to see anther pack when your pack is gone'

Steel walked up to Dusty "hey are you going to be ok?" Dusty glances at her for a heart beat before dropping his head "....i.i don't know to be honest...i wish i had died with them" Steel winded her eyes at the lycanroc "What why?...i mean i get that it hurts but you can't want that over it" Dusty growled at her "you weren't there Steel!...huh look let's not talk about it I'll get over it i mean you moved on know" Steel noded slightly "yeah..." She lied 'i never got over my dad's death...but if i tell him that he'll do something stupid'

Dusty then smiled at Steel "so Jake...he is that jolteon?" He asked. Steel noded her head "oh yeah...he's not that bad of a pokemon once you know him"  Dusty noded but looked off "I'm pretty tierd...I'm going in for the night..." Dusty layed by a tree and cruel up alone to sleep.

Steel looked back at the mightyena's as they cruel up to sleep as well. 'Well i guess i better get some sleep as well' Steel walked into Jake's den and layed down in her bedding to sleep.

Steel was walking in the sunlight panting from the heat steel was not a fan of hot weather "ahrrrg why can't it just be cold out" Steel muttered to herself. She had gotting up early to go get some water but didn't think the heat would be this bad. Steel finally got to the water and took a few laps at it 'mmm finally this heat is killing me'

Steel lifed her head up and started to head back to the den "huh maybe everyone will be awake now" Steel walked into the clearing to see Neko walk to "hey steel!...Slash told me what your up to" she said as she got closer to steel. Steel noded " you in?" Steel asked hopeing for a yes. Neko sat down "uh yo of corse" She said with joke tone. Steel then smiled 'good we need as much help as we can get'

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