Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)

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Blaze's P.O.V

The morning sun shines through the castle window Blaze sat by the window as he waited. Suddenly the doors open getting Blaze's full attention. A vaporeon and leafeon walk in and Blaze stands with excitement "Ramune! Shawn nice to see you two" he said as he greed them. The leafeon had a soft smile but Ramune had a mix of fear and excitement " Echo isn't here is he?" The vaporeon asked watch annoyed Blaze slightly all he ever wanted was his brother to get along with his best friend but that didn't seem possible but he also wasn't going to fight about it either 'Ramune is usually fine if Echo isn't around or mentioned' the flareon shook his head "No he left and Emma only wanted you two" he said calmly the vaporeon then relaxed "..So where is it?" Shawn said looking eager. Blaze glanced at them and smiles brightly before waving his tail for them to follow him as he started to walk towards a different room. Ramune and Shawn follow him and entire into what looked like a nursery room. Blaze seemed excited by the sight "This is going to be it's room when it hatches!" He was speaking loudly but then noticed the look on his brothers face to his surprise he seemed exited himself as he looked around but then a sudden look of sadness crosses the vaporeon face as he was looking at a bed made for an eevee. Blaze walks up to hom "Hey you alright Ramune?" The vaporeon glanced at him before smiling "I'll be's just... I still wonder what it woulda been like to....well to raise a kid i mean Blaze your going to be a father" he said and the flareon was hit with pity for his brother, he'd been so excited that he forgot what Ramune most be feeling 'He lost his family....maybe i shouldn't have told him....but i wanted to share this with him he's my brother'
A look once again crosses the vaporeon "Blaze don't worry about me i have Shawn now and I'm honestly so happy for you!.... And I'm also excited to be an uncle" Shawn then walks over to them "Yeah beside that happened in the past....I'm sure your all over that right?" The leafeon looks at his mate but Ramune went silent before saying "well mostly..." Shawn then nudged "Hey say this room is lovely and all Blaze but where's....well where is it though?" Blaze eye's lit up "Oh yeah heh that's why you guys came heh....come with me" Blaze then ran out of tbe room and up stairs into his room with The two others following. They walk in to see Emma curled up close to what looked to be an egg Emma then sites up and lets a purr out "Blaze there you are" the espeon says with a soft tone as she gets up and and walks over to Blaze budding her head with Blaze's. Blaze returns the action before giving her a quick pick to the cheek.  "Hello Emma" Ramune greets her and the espeon looks over to the vaporeon and leafeon "Oh hello Ramune, Shawn" she then looks to the egg "i suppose your here to see this?" Shawn nodded "Yes we heard the news and just had to come down.... congratulations by the way you two are having a child one of life's meany gifts" Shawn purrs while Ramune frowns slightly before forcing a smile. Blize noticed at once once again he felt bad for his younger brother but he also knew his next words would change that. "Blaze have you told him?" Emma asked Shawn gave a curious look "Told what?" Ramune questions and Shawn leans in a bit looking interested. Blaze sat down and a looks at Ramune "Well me and Emma have been talking....although Everfree is at peace and free of doesn't mean we are invincible so we came to a decision" Blaze paused before going on "keep in mind i haven't told anyone so Echo might be disappointed but.....Ramune we wanted you to ve the Arceus father....if anything happens to us wo-" but the flareon was cut off by the vaporeon "What?! Arceus father? want be to be your childs Arceus father?" He was close to yelling but kept his voice down not wanting to disturb anyone here. Emma nodded "yes we do....i was going to go with Angelica but she left and not only that but....well your strong and well i think you'd be best honestly" Ramune stared at them and Blaze found it amusing even Shawn was chuckling at him. Ramune then smirks at Blaze "Heh.....true....but i honestly thought you'd pick Echo after all you spend more time with him then me" Blaze wasn't going to lie he had though about it but he trusted Ramune plus he still felt bad about Ramune losing his chance at having his own child. "Yes well that may be true...but blood is thicker then water  is it not?" Ramune's eye's lit up after hearing that. Shawn then nudged the vaporeon once again before walking up to the egg "it sure looks health....must be proud" Shawn said looking at Emma and Blaze. Emma blushed a bit before saying "yes.... Can't wait for it to hatch" she says and Blaze locked his eye's on the egg 'i hope it's a boy... Or a girl would be nice two, oh i wonder what it will evolve into or what he or she will be like?' Blaze felt himself overwhelm by this. Emma eyes him before giggling "Alright boys i think it's time for you guy's to head out" she said and Ramune nodded "Yeah of course Emma" the two then headed out and then it was just the two. Emma glanced at him "aren't you going to see Echo?" Blaze sat beside her and the egg "yeah I'll go later....i just want to be with you and our child right now. He then pushes up against her a d she purrs as the lock lips in a kiss.

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