Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)

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Matt's P.O.V

Matt watched as Raven was gathering up the pack to search the forest. It had been a few days after they found Ramune's dead body and Matt honestly couldn't find himself smiling anymore but to top that Blaze had ordered to exile or kill any shiny. 'i know he's in grief but this isn't like him....not at all' Matt hated what has be come of the king he hardly left his room he wouldn't talk and it's like it only got worse there was no pulling blaze out of his depression and his mind was set on getting ride off all shines "Matt!" He snaps out of his thoughts and looks at his sister "We have to get a move on...the king wants all shines gone!' Matt glanced at his pack 'this isn't right!....Arceus says to kill to survive not...for what ever reason the king wants!' Matt shook his head "Raven....we can't fall through with his orders" the rest of the pack stops and looks at him. Some looked
relieved others looked shocked as if going against the king was the worse thing ever. Raven turns her gaze on him looking outraged "Matt what are you talking about!? The kings words are law....are you forgetting your place? You maybe the packs alpha but your no king....Blaze sa-" but Matt cuts her off "Blaze? Blaze lost his mind if you haven't noticed!...i wouldn't even call him blaze!....Blaze wanted peace, Blaze wouldn't wish death upon others....this isn't Blaze anymore Raven open your eye's" the others started whispering to each other Raven then growls "Are you loyal or are you turning your back in us!?" Matt felt his mouth go dry the last thing he wanted was to betray his pack but "I am loyal....I'll fight for everfree and I'll never stop....but Blaze i cannot be loyal to him any longer i fight for the kings and queens before him and for my home! Even if it means to go against Blaze in the end i know I'm right and if any of you agree with me....then stand with me because I'm leaving this palace and i won't be returning...." He said with his head high pride in his voice as he stood tall. Raven rolls her eye's before turing away "Guess I'm alpha now...." Matt pinned his ears back "Raven are you really going to obey his orders?" Raven turns a look on him "yes until my dying day" then a mightyana steps up "Matt's right Raven....i don't want to be responsible for killing innocent Pokemon!" Matt recognized him to be Boris and a lot of other mightyanas bark there agreement but the other half stayed quit. Raven gave them all a nasty look "Fine all of you leave then! Traitors!" She then ran off with the others to start there search Matt watched her his stomach twisted in pain as the thought sunk in 'Shes really siding with blaze.....i...i just lost half my pack including my sister'


Shawn's P.O.V

The sun was setting behind them not a tree in sight there was nothing but the could breeze of fall. Winter would be here in a few days. Shawn hald the shiny eevee by the scruff she was quite and so was Shawn his heart pounded in his chest and his eye's where red and dry. He had been crying for hours but found he could do so anymore. 'I....i still can't believe it.....he's really never talk to him again.. To never cuddle with....but at less he's with Arceus' then he drop the shiny eevee down and looks at her he knew she was Blazes child but she reminds him of Ramune. He noticed there was no fear in her eyes but yet there was a cut on her shoulder from the fall. Ramune took all the damage but the little eevee still took a few scratches nothing to bad. She looks at him before asking "w...where we going dad?" Shawn Steffen up she had never called him that but oddly he like it. She had gotten a more better at talking and they had been on the road for at less three days now "uh...we're going home...uh" he looks at her realizing he didn't have a name for her 'hmm well she is strong for her age...she should be dead it's a surprise that she lived from that fall...and she's brave for her age..her fur is kinda silver like Steel....Steel' he smiles " a strong name..." Steel tilted ber head "S..Steel?" Shawn nodded "yes...and we are heading to a new home Steel...where we'll be safe" Steel then got up and glanced at him "Will i like our new home dad?" Shawn frowns when realizing 'i have no idea where I'm going....' Then he glanced into the distance to see munitions and a small smile crosses his face "perfect....that is far from Echo...he won't find us there" he picks Steel up again and starts heading towards them.
But once again his mind is clouded with Ramune he was sure he'll never move on or forget the vaporeon.

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