Chapter 2 : The jolteon

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The sun was rising after along night of practice and evolveing Steel walk to her dean to show her father the new her 'he's gonna be so proud of me' Steel thought

"Steel?" She heard him in the dean. Steel ran in to meet him

Steel ran inside and gave a happy nouge

But Shawn pooled away giveing Steel a look 'huh why's he looking at me like that?' She thought

"Hey dad i evolved aren't you happy for me" she said existed.

But Shawn just noded "yeah...that's-great" he lowers his head. Steel couldn't understand why he was acting this way 'he never acts like this' Steel lowered her head as well

"Are you ok dad?" Steel asked. Shawn took a step forward and gave a sad smile "it's it's nothing" he looks away. Steel couldn't help but feel hurt "....oh well I'm going to go to take a nap" Steel siad walking away.

Tell tree's huge above with golden leaves Steel could hear pidgey's sign but Steel walk on smooth grass "were am i..." She asked herself looking at the foreast around her "I've never seen this place..but i feel like i have" Steel look to her left. Her eyes widened when she saw a pikachu "huh?" Steel just stared at this "he's...he's a s-shiny" she found it hard to say for not only was he a shiny but this pikachu was covered in blood.

Steel felt her body tumbling in shock and fear.

But wait he had somthing in hes paws Steel focused her eyes to see better " that an agg?....wait whats he doing!" Steel's breath thicken as she watch in horror as the pikachu through the agg in the river


Steel's eye's snap open her hole body was shaking. Steel couldn't hardly see as she took deep breaths 'what was that..a dream? it feels so real'

"Steel!" She herd outside her dean.

Steel got to her paws and walked outside the sun was at half way pont 'i mast of sleep for a long time' Steel looked to seen a daylight lycanroc

"Um im sorry do i know you?" She questions.

The lycanroc smile "haha! Steel it's me Dusty" steel looked at him in shock "Dusty when did you evolve?"

She asked.

Dusty sat dawn " well earlier today my pack help me train you see they needed more daylight hunters..and I'm finally a full member of the pack" he said with pride. Steel was happy for him but couldn't help feel a bit sad 'if Dustys a full member of his pack now...he won't have time to hang with me' Steel thought.

"Well that sounds great" she lied. Dusty washed his tile happily "yeah i knnow..well i gotta go and fined some food see ya!" He siad running off.

Steel takes off for walk she walk around the mountains trying to wast time when she herd something by the river "hm?"

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