Chapter 41: Dark river

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Steel was watching the sunset with Jake. They had found a good place where you could just see it through the tree's. Steel cuddle close to the jolteon. It had been a week since they got to seals lake and have been training there battle moves 'but i have to get more pokemon to fight with me...ugh....i wish there was a simple way of proving to blaze that I'm his daughter so there'd be no fight' she didn't really want to fight blaze but at the same time the memory of the war with skull and how she found she loved to fight she had lost control on skull when he had hurt jake 'heh but it felt so good...the rush blood pumping.....the thrill of fighting' Jake then licked Steel on the head "Steel....what do you plan to do about Soul?" He seemed to have pulled that question out of no where. Steel flicked her ear before answering " thing at a time" Jake then looked at her "....well i guess....but i got to know one thing, why is this so important to you? I mean i never expected this out of you when i first layed eye's on you" Steel didn't know how to answer that, Matt and Anglica know and even Dusty knows about her dreams but Jake was different she was afraid to tell him 'he isn't really opened minded....or i don't even think he believes in that kinda fact i don't even know if he believes in Arceus' it hit her hard when she realized there are a lot of things that she dosen't know about him. Steel looks away from him "....but you never answer any of my questions so why should i tell you why it's important to me" Jake looked taken back by her answer but just let a sigh out after and looked away "fair's just Blaze is an awful king...he just sits in that castle and sends out his gaurds to kill shines like you, abd yet you and that Anglica want him on our fight soul" hake then looks down at his paws "i....i just don't get it is all" he says. Steel lowers he gaze knowing Blaze was doing this out of a broken hreat. "....I think he's just loset....the guy lost his family....I'd be upset to, hell i was...when shawn died i was so upset that i couldn't stop fantasizing about killing Skull" Jake noded but froze and looked at Steel "Shawn?.... why you calling him by his name?" Steel pin her ears back 'Shawn will always be a father to me...but in reality he's not....Blaze is' she glance at Jake with a sad one "Steel?... Is there something you want to say?" I noded my head slightly before i let the words out "Shawn wasn't my father.....he was just looking after me....Matt and Anglica already know this...even Dusty. But i wanted you to know" Jake didn't look as suprised as she thought he'd be "ok....who's your father then do you know?"  Steel rested her head on Jake's shoulder "Blaze....that's why it's important" Jake didn't answer. He just let her rest there. Steel wanted to know what he was thinking but didn't want to ask 'we are mates are we not?....i wish he'd open up more....why won't he? he hidding something from me?' But then the jolteon chuckles " that's why soul wants you dead.....because your royalty" Steel lifted her head up right away, she never thought of that, the fact that Blaze was king 'and if I'm his daughter...then that makes me a princess? in line?....Oh HELL NO!' I
She shake her head "No, no i can't be royalty I'm not a leader! I don't want to be" Jake had a blank expression "well that's kinda how it works...unless you have an older sibling but you don't" Steel dropped her ears ".....yeah well I'm no queen so just forget it i won't ever change....I'm just an ordinary umbreon and that's how it will be forever" Jake eye's her "hmm but your not ordinary umbreon....your a shiny umbreon" Steel gave him a mean look "you know what i meant" Jake got to his paws and smiles at her "Oh did i hehe, well I'm going hunting with Matt...I'll see you later Steel" he gives her a quick kiss before running off. Steel sat there alone now staring acter nothing 'well then....i better go out looking for somepokemon who want to fight the battle with us'
Steel got up and head back to our camp. She walk into view to have Dusty run up ti her with a happy smile "Steel there you are hehe Jake lafted with Matt to go greet his pack...they finslly got here" he said with his tail wagging behind him. Steel smiles "yea great... Liam went with Mocho like he was supposed to right" Dusty look over to a sleeping umbreon " kidden that lazzy umbreon dose nothing around here" Dusty grumbles and Steel dropped her eyes "um...dose snypokemon k ow why he's following us?....we never told him to come eith us" Dusty sat down "Well Matt says the more the better...but. Dose je know how to fight even...i haven't seen him fight since Skylar attack us that one day by the tree of soul's" Steel just shock her fur "yea, yea maybe you could battle practice with know to get him goung, if he's going to stay he better help around here" Dusty nided "Alright Steel I'll handle him" the Lyaconroc took off to Liam and push him to wake up the sleeping umbreon. Steel tgen headed out to the forest 'Alright just ask pokemon if there willen to help me fight against Blaze....I'm sure somepokemon will trust me'

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