Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil

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Steel stood tall and hissed "Give your all then!" The rain started to pick up to a down poor. Soul just locked eye's with jer before smirking "Oh how cute...she thinks she stands a chance" Skylar growls with anger "Just kill her already!" Steel narrows her eye's before she throw herself at the ninetales feeling angery towerds all of them 'Anglicas dead and it's all because of Skylar!' But soul moves away and used fire blast hitting her to tbe ground then Killian jumped on her holding her down snd used dark pluse. Steel let a cry out as Skylar slowly made her way. There was blood dripping down her face from the nasty scratch that travels across her face. She lends dawn and sbarls "Look what you did" her eyes blazed with anger "well now i have you where i want you" Steel straggled for freedom and growls back "Kill me then! Get it over with!" Skylar then ud ber clows out and smirks "oh sweetie..... I'll make sure you have a slow painfull death" she raised her paw to take the death blow but then was hit by a shadow ball and Killian was pulled off of Steel. Steel looked up to see the one eye mightyana "Matt!" Steel yelled in suprise she never felt happier 'Just in time too!' Steel got up. Killian glares at the mightyana and Soul let a snarl out "ug Matt!" But then Skylar used moon blast again hitting matt really hard. Steel frowns when she relized they where both out numbered. Matt got to his paws and growls to Steel "Run Steel get outta they have a big group here!" Steel felt sick with warry and soul use fire blaze just missing her. Steel took off running feeling panic but also she felt like she was a letting Matt down again 'i have to get to the others!' But then she cought sight of other pokemon that looled to be dangerous sge came to a stop and backed away but she could still her Soul running after her 'i need to get away!' She took off agaun in a different direction and she didn't stop for nothing ferling her tears form as her thoughts kept coming back to her 'shes gone....she really gone and i still don't know where Jake is' she triped on a tree root flying fowerd and rolling down a hill slaming her head against a rock sending her into darkness.

Matt's P.O.V

Skylar tryed to run after Steel but Matt shoves her away hittingbher against a tree and then throwing s shadow ball at Killian who alsi tried to go after her. But unfortunately Soul was to wuick for the mightyana and had gone already 'I'm sure she'll get away from soul....i hope' Skylar then used fary wind to blow him off of her "You stupid mut! You wreck everything!" Killian glares "old timer you should of stayed out of it!" Matt throught a dark look "You! You broke the pack low....and have btoken Arceuse cod!" He snap ferling out rage by the younger mightyana. Killian backs off a bit before saying "i had to! For tbe sake of my home!" Skylar growls "oh who cares! dosen't mstter Echos army is here and they have all thoughs worthless pokemon that wgere traveling with Steel....and we gave you now!" Matt snarls "My pack will be loyal to a true alpha!" Skylar shoock her head "but your pack is under Echos army....and there's a lot of them" Matt suddenly notice a bunch of pokemon comimg around growling at him. Skylar smirks "heh now tell me Matt....where Jake?" Matt looked at Skylar "i dont know he wasn't with me" Sjylar frowns "lies, you tell lies because Soul saw you two together....look around the jolteon is here somewhere....Killian take him to the other's" Killian smiles "yes Skylar" killisn then gsve a shove "Move!" He growls and Matt did so 'for now i will listen....but i was trained for this....and as soon as i get to my pack I'll be getting out of here'

Jake P.O.V

Jake fur was wet from the rain but more important he was tryi g to stay hiding from the group of pokemon that where running around looking for him 'i need to find Steel....this has gotyen outta paw!'  Jake came to a stop ehen he saw the camp with the pokemon where at. They had Dusty and Mocho out nemberd Nixon and Zara where also being pushed into a den in the rocks to kerp thrm trapped and sane with Liam. Jake felt his heart drop 'i have to do simething and fast!' Jake was about to make a move but "and what are you doing?" Jake turned around to see Soul and a few other pokemon standing behind him. Jake dropped his ears "heh Soul so um....about the plan-" Soul yelled cutting him off "You are a traitor and can not be trusted again.....Echo will deside your fate!" Jake swolled feeling scared for the first time in a long time.

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