Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)

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Rain was pannding agents the ground Jake sat under a leaf but the water still was getting his fur all wet. His brawn fur was hevey with water it stuck to his skin.

He watched as his mother and father fight and argued.

Jake's eye's were filled with tears.

His mother was crying as the houndoom pushed her to the ground "Don't you ever talk to me like that!!" He was yelling in the flareon's face as blood ralled dawn from the cuts "Jake" jake looked to see his little sister walking up to him "..I'm scared" she windes. Jake looked back to see there dad walking towards them " to teach you a lesson" he grawled at them "No! Please i-i didn't do anything though!" Jake cryed out but the houndoom used church on him and held him dawn until blood was seen and then throw him into the mud lighting was seen striking through the sky. The houndoom then look at his sister "No... Please don't hurt her!" Jake snaps at his father. He got to his paws and tryed to ues quick attack but the houndoom smacked him dawn

"how dear you try and attack me!" He snarled "stop... Stop it they didn't do anything...attack me if must just don't hurt my eevees!" Jake looked to see his mother in tears and week from the rain her fur was dragging on the ground with blood clup matterd in to it.

"Fine! But no more talk.." He looks back and jake "and you... Shut your mouth or next time I'll kill you!" The houndoom then walks into there dean "Jake are you ok?" His sister runs up to him and sateres at the wound "...yea I'll be fine Crystal" Jake mumbls there mother runs up to them with a warried look "came with me now" she says as she walks to the dean Jake and Crystal followed but Jake stopped when he saw His older brother Skull sitting near.

The shiny houndoor looked annoyed but his expression changes when he see Jake "Jake?...what happened are you ok." The houndoor runs up to him with an upset look. Jake looked at the ground "...I'll be fine" Skull growled when Jake said that.

He scratch at the ground "Jake you gatta stand up for yourself!" Jake glared "that's what i did...and i almost got killed for it!" Jake snaps and runs to his bedding

'I don't get it...why dose dad only pick on us three?..Skull dosen't get bet up...probably because he's a houndoor like him'

Jake bit the moss in his bed in stress the pain on his side was bothering him but he keeped his mouth shut not wanting his dad to came over and make it worse.

Jake felt more tear running dawn his check and he let a sob out as he closed his eyes he started to cry uncontrollable

Until he was fully asleep.

Jake opened his eye's and got up he looked to see that his mom and dad were still sleeping and so was Crystal.

Jake got to his paw and walk outside the sun was out and Jake walked to the river and took a few laps "hey Jake" jake looked up to see that Skull was there "...hey Skull i didn't notice that you were here" Skull looked at the water "so let me guess... You didn't just came for water but to get away" Skull mumbls. Jake noded "yea...i know you probably don't understand Skull" Jake layed down Skull layed beside him "...well no not really.." Skull admitted.

"Jake can you help me out?" Skull asked jake look at him "ok..but with what?" Skull smirks "with evolveing of course.. I want to train until i evolve and who better then you to help" jake sat there for a bit thinking 'evolveing... Yea and the sun's out maybe i can evolve to!'

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