Chapter 49 : Night travels

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Matt's P.O.V

Matt was laying with his head down watching the out side moon light 'what dose Echo plan to do with us?' He wonders to himself 'Kill us? Or force us to work for him?.....doesn't matter because we'll find away out of here'  matt got up to glance at the others. They where all fast a sleep but Matt he couldn't rest not while being help captive like this, he was a soldier ready to fight for freedom not lay around expecting someone to do it for him. He walked around and scratched at the walls a bit trying to find away out "Hey" Matt darted his eye to see two mightyanas walk in and he recognize them as Romen and Boris. He softens his gaze. "Romen, Boris,what are two doing in here?" They both look nervous "we're signpost to keep watch but.....We don't see Killian as Alpha after all it was an unfair fight because of Skylar" Boris says watch didn't surprise Matt he know his pack was loyal to an alpha who follows the rules. Romen nodded "Pluse it seems where just doing work for Echo and that guy is crazy" Matt nodded "we need to get out of here....but you two can't be seen talking to me or Echo will try and kill you" they looked even more scared after but then another voice came "That won't matter.....Echos got bigger things on his mind" all three of them turned to look to see who said that. Romen and Boris look scared when they saw that it was killian. The shiny mightyana looks at Matt with a wary look. Matt narrows his one eye. "You.... So your going to rattat my two pack mates?!" Killian shook his head " mightyana is loyal to me. They see you as pack leader still....i don't blame them it was unfair the fight but i wasn't thinking i just wanted Steel gone" Matt growls "Steel is not evil!" Killian hang his head low before saying "I know that now.....Echo has cursed the king....Steel's the only one who can break it and I'm guess she's the only one who can break the curse that this forest is under" Matt stared in disbelief 'Blaze is cursed?!' Killian then held his head up "i know away out....tomorrow Echo will kill you and your friends so you guys should follow me now....." There was a bit of a silence before Matt nodded "If you know the way then by all me lead the way" Killian smiles before looking at Romen and Boris "get the rest of the pack.....we're leaving" they look nervous "But what about Skylar? And well-" but killian cut him off "She won't be awake none of them well because they put me in charge of guarding" they then take off to get the others and Matt barked at the others in the other to wake them up. Once they where up and awake Matt explains the situation and they all follow Killian to the exit. They made sure to be quite so they wouldn't wake any pokemon up as they exit the camp as soon as they where out they took off running as far away as possible.

Steel's P.O.V

The moon was glooming in the night sky as Steel and Jake mad there way to the palace. Jake glanced at Steel "......what's the plan about Blaze?....i mean what are you going to say to him?" Steel just let a snort out not wanting to talk to the jolteon at the moment she was Still feeling pretty hurt by him. Jake pinned his ears back and looked away. Silence fell among them but Steel was okay with that, she'd talk to him when she was ready or needed to. But then he spoke again "So.....Blaze is your father" Steel rolled her eye's feeling annoyed as she stops and glares at him "Yeah i know!" She snapped at him. Jake didn't flinch he just stood there before saying "Steel.... Maybe we should help the others before going after Blaze" Steel turned away from him not wanting to turn away now 'I've waited long enough!' She just keeps walking with the jolteon following behind. Jake let a fusterated grunt out "Steel your being reckless, the king is a vary strong pokemon....he'll kill us" Steel shook her head "there's two of us Jake....we'll be fine" the jolteon frowns looking at the ground before saying "So we're just going to burst in again and have a flareon blow us with over heat?" Steel narrowed her yellow gaze at him "What is with you Jake!? Just shut up!..... If you don't like it then leave!" Jake looked away before saying "I'm going to go back" he then dashed away. Steel sat there all alone. She closed her eye's to try and calm herself, she tried just listen to the breeze of the wind as she kay down 'It's going to be okay.....I'll come up with something....i' Steel suddenly felt tears as she realized, for the first time in a long she felt alone even with Jake at her side. 'Was it because of Angelica.....or is it because i can't get over Jake working for Soul?.... Will thing ever be normal? me and jake have a future together? Or thoughts just dreams not real?' Steel covers he eye's with her paws trying to make sense of her emotions 'am i being reckless?.....maybe I'm being unfair to everyone else....' Steel let a grunt out as the thoughts take over.

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