Chapter 7 : Rain of light

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The sun was at its highest point and the foreast was piceful.

Steel sat outside her dean it had been three moon's since she had moved in to the foreast.

She had train battle moves with Slash and his sister Neko was her name.

"Huh" she sighed "Hey Steel!" Steel turned her head to see Neko.

"Hey what you doing just sitting there..we should go hunting or something" she said in a teasing way.

"...i would but...i just feel like being  alone right now you do understand right" Steel said in a soft voice.

Neko stared at her "....alright...but sometimes when were sad is when we don't want to be alone" She meowed.

Steel looked way "yeah well not me...sorry" she muttered as she walked off

Steel walked around even though her had lived here for sometime she still didn't know the holle forest.

She picked some baris "these will came in handy" she told herself as she picked some more. "Heheh" Steel froze in place ears up strat.

She looked around " someone there?" She question

"......" Steel was sure she was being watched. "Um-" Steel started to walk back to her dean a bit creeped out "hehe-hey....came here" a quiet voice whispered.

Steel's fur fluffed in surprise. "Wha?" Steel looked back to see a pare of big pink eye's watch her throw the bushis.

"What the?" Steel slowly walks up to it "um..hello?" She mumbls.

A sylveon jumped out and pushed Steel but Steel pushed back ready to fight if that's what had to be done.

Steel looked coldly at the sylveon to her surprise it was a shiny like her.

"Hehe hey" the sylveon says in a sassy way.

Steel just stared 'what is going on..why was she watching me?'

"Um..hi" Steel says unsure.

The sylveon walks around Steel looking her over "hum...pretty i haven't seen you around must be new..shiny rings...haven't seen a shiny umbreon before hehehe" Steel rolled her eyes 'What have you seen'

"Um tha-" But Steel was cut off " Ah no no no need to thank me for a comet on your bueaty" she huffed before blabbing some more "I'm Skylar...they call me that because I'm blue like the sky hehehe!" She smiles at Steel.

Steel just sat there Skylar leand in closer as if expecting something " this is the part where you tell me your name"

Steel just trend away "yeah...i gotta go" Steel lied.

Skylar gave a glare "huff...rude i know your not being honest" Steel looked at her "yeah and how would you know you spy on every pokemon you meet?" Steel said with annoyance.

"Hmm" Skylar looked at the ground "i wasn't spying...i was hunting and then i saw you" She says.

Steel just glared "why do you want my name anyways..." Skylar laughs "because how can we be friend's when i don't know your name hehehe" She answered fast.

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