Chapter 59 : Get ready for war

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Steel's P.O.V

Steel was watching Matt and killian train for the war. She had told everyone that war is coming and ever since then they have been practicing there fighting skills she then sees Blaze walking up to her "Still if you'd like i could show you a few moves" It had almost been a month since she was reunited with her father. She had grown to really like the flareon but a lot of pokemon don't trust him. Nixon being one of them. Steel sat up "Of course" she said they head to a good place to practice.


They practiced for hours before growing tired the two where sitting in the shade as they watched the other's. Steel noticed Rainer walk up to Matt and she pointed her ears so she could her them "Hey Matt mind if i train with you?" He asked the one eye mightyana and he nodded and the two where battling each other. "Those moves seem familiar... There's something about Rainer...but i don't know what" Blaze says making Steel shiver. The truth was the shiny vaporeon was the son of Ramune but no one knows. She never got to talk to him about it. Steel's eye's widen when she realized how good of a fighter he was she even noticed a lot of pokemon where watching him at this point. Steel could tell that even Matt was taking by surprise by his skills. "Steel Blaze!" They both turn their attention to Dusty. "You said we need more pokemon...well i thought we should go look" he said Steel got up "Sounds good to me" Blaze smiles but turns his attention to the camp "i think I'll stay here..." Steel and Dusty took off and headed into the forest.


The two walked for s bit "Hey Steel....are you nervous?" She glanced at him before her yellow eye's drift to the sky "A little...we've been to a fight before but....this....this is a full blown war....pokemon will surly die" Dusty frowns but then froze "Uh....Steel" she looks at him feeling puzzled "What is it?" But before she knew it Dusty slams in to her pushing her out of the way of another lycanroc only this one looked differed from Dusty this one was a dusk form. The lycanroc then jumps on Dusty and the two where locked in combat and Steel felt worried when she realized there was more lycanroc's coming into sight. Dusty then packs up before he tried to reason "Wow Stop!" Steel yells using shadow ball to hit the ground between them. The lycanroc dose but darts it's green eye's on Steel. Steel realized that it was a female. She snarls at Steel "And what exactly are you doing on our territory!?" Steel backed before saying "We didn't realize this was your territory honest" Dusty gave a sheepish smile "Yeah....we'll be leaving heh" but then one of the lycanroc's spoke up "Hey she's that shiny umbreon That ninetales was talking about!" Steel felt her heart drop as the the dusk from lycanroc glares at her " seem to be right" then Dusty steps in front of Steel "whatever he said it was a lie!" He snarls but she let a snicker out "Oh i know" Steel picked her ear up she wasn't expecting her to agree with Dusty. The lycanroc looked to her pack "Back off....they are no threat" she then looks at Steel "So may i ask for your story....I've heard
Somethings about you" Dusty tilted his head to the side "What have you heard?" She then turns "Come with me let's go somewhere a bit more privet and we'll have a nice chat" Steel shared a glance with Dusty before they follow her.


They where sitting under the tree's in lycanroc pack. Dusty was looking around looking happy to see a lycanroc pack once again. Steel looks at the dusk form lycanroc once again "What's this about....and who are you?" She asked her "Call me Stella...and I'm the Alpha of this pack" Dusty looks at her with respect "Nice" Stella just rolled her eye's at him "My father was alpha before me....but then Soul came along...tried to force us to join his group. He first tried telling us you cursed this forest and i believe him for the longest time...but then i over heard Echo talking and found out....uh well me and my pack where working with the true enemy." She then gave a sad look as she pointed he muzzle to the sky "We tried to leave but Soul wouldn't have that so we had to run a lot of my pack where killed including my father leaving me as pack see I wouldn't kill you but i wish to fight and be ride of Soul and Echo" before Steel could answer Dusty burst out "Great we're going against him in war and could use the help of skilled lycanroc's such as yourself" Steel noticed that Dusty was blushing a bit 'Dose he like her?' Stella backs away from him before letting an upset sigh out "I don't know....i don't think i should put the pack through that" Dusty then frowns as she turns away from them "your welcome to stay....and I'll think about it okay" she then walks away. Dusty watched her go.

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