Chapter 26 : Trouble maker

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The sun was raising and Steel opened her eye's to see she had falling asleep beside the mightyanae Matt. Steel got up and stretched her lages before heading outside. When she got out side she saw Jake sitting by the den he glanced at here 'good morning Steel" he said and she walked up to him feeling good 'everything is alright Anglica is going to be ok and I'm pretty sure Skylar won't came around'
Jake smiles at her "Hey.... Steel before we ran into that fight with Skull you i told you that i loved you.... And you said you did to did you mean it?" He asked and Steel looked surprised "Of course i did... Why you asking?" But she was soon cut off by a kiss from the jolteon and suddenly Steel got this feeling she never felt before the world didn't seem to exist for a heart beat. But then jake pulled away and they gazed into each other's eye's. Steel suddenly realized she had never seen this side to jake not until now.
He seemed relaxed for a change and he also had a smile 'i guess this means that the stubbering jolteon is gone'
Steel thought to herself.
Jake finally looked away with a bit if a blush "......So.. Mocho said it's going to take sometime for that glaceon to heal" he said and steel frowns at the news 'i really wanted her to get better so that i could talk with her...i can't help but feel a connection but I've never meet her before'
"Steel?" Steel shook out of her thoughts and glanced at Jake "Yeah?" She questions him bur he just smirks "I told Mocho that I'd bring her some fresh kill" he said before getting to his paws and Steel nods "Alright then... Uh Jake you free later?" The jolteon paws the ground "yea i am... Why you asking?" Steel suddenly felt shy she could feel her face heat up with a blush "Oh i-i was thinking we could do something...." She says and Jake nods "Alright sounds good to me" she watched him walk away. And finally he was gone then "Finslly i thought he'd never leave"

Steel looked over her shoulder to see Liam sitting there "So what's up hot stuff?" Steel frowns "um I'm taken Liam..." Liam just smirked at her "hehehe what with that grumpy jolteon ha and how long will that last?" Steel just turned away but liam jumpped in front of her "Oh came on Steel give me a chance" Steel gave annoyed look "No i love Jake now stop" Liam frowns "fine...but he'll never treat you right..." The umbreon turned away from her and stumbled away.

Jake's P.O.V

Jake stopped when he heared Liam "Finally i thought he'd never leave" Jake paused feeling hurt from that 'Was Steel just waiting for me to leave?' Jake narrowed his eye's and keeps walking fowerd but he couldn't help but feel threated by that umbreon Liam 'ugh.... I was here first... Steel's all i got these days i can't lose her to this...this stupid umbreon'


jake went to the river to get a drink of water but the he hears the bushis move be hinde him so fast he spins around to see Liam Jake pulls his lips into a snarl "What do you want?!" Liam looked surprised "Oh Jake your here hehe" jake narrowed his eyes at him "Get lost Liam!!" Liam looked puzzled "huh? Did i do something wrong?" Jake sat up with a huff "I don't like you now go" then Liam smirks "Ah i see jealous that Steel is mine...well what did you expect huh girls like a guy that will talk about them self and not the whole i don't what to talk thing" jake frowned "yea right I'll keep it in mind.... Steel's not a trophy to be won she much more to me then anything... Maybe I'm not as open as i should be after my experiences of love....i can't just place my heart out there" Liam just giggled "hehe well i can so back off jolteon she's mine" Jake couldn't take it anymore his anger got the better of him and he wased thunder on liam. Liam screams in pain then jake used shadow ball on him Liam was already to week to fight "hmm your week your muscles are nothing but lies" Jake walked away without another word.

Steel's P.O.V

Steel enters the den the sun was at high point and everyone was awake Steel glanced at the shiny glaceon "So when will she wake?" Mocho looks up at Steel "hmm hard to say.... But if i had to say I'd say tomorrow... hopeful" Steel smiled "i hope so" Matt hkanced at us "yea i bet she'll get up tonight.... Anglica is stronger then she looks" Steel sat down 'Matt seems to know a lot of pokemon...'
Dusty walks in with pray "Hey anyone hungry?" He sits beside Steel.
Strel grabbed a pice of pray and rips it apart with her teeth "....Hey where Jake and Liam?" Dusty asked and Matt was the one to answer "He said he needed time to himself" Xusty frowns "yea that sounds about right...but what about liam?" Steel rolled her eyes "Oh who cares i need time away from him" Dusty eye's her "hmm i thought you like him?" Steel glared at him "Who?" Dusty gave a puzzled look "Jake?" Steel shoock her head "No Liam...i need time away from him...he's annoying" Dusty noded " you still like Jake?" Steel felt puzzled by this "uhhh why do you care?" Steel sweared she saw him blush "Oh um no reason just want to know because I'm your friend" he gave a sheepish smile after 'Whys everyone acting weird ugh all i want is jake right now'
Steel just looks at her paws "Steel your stressing again" Matt says looking consernd and Mocho nods in agreement "ugh Arceus ok yea i stress alright I'll just go out side to get fresh air" and with that zhe lefted the den and walked a bit away to sit in silence
She stared at the tree's and took a long deep breath feeling the surroundings around her. She closed her eye's to enjoy the cold wind "Hey Baby" steel snapped open her eye's to see liam with roses in his mouth he then placed them at her paws "i saw these flowers and i thought you hehe because your beautiful like roses" Steel bit her lips "uh ok..." He leads closer to her "So did i win your heart? Do i get a kiss from the sexy shiny?" Steel let a growl out "How dear you talk to me like that! Huh your such a spoink!" Steel tryed to walk away but liam tripped her and ran in front so she'd fall on him. He trapped her in a kiss and Steel's fur rippled and She pushed him off. "What?" He said looking at her Steel unleash her clows and scratched him in the face leaving a nasty mark a cross his muzl "OWE!!!" Steel then hissed "Stay away from me!!" Steel then ran away.


The sun was now going down and Steel sat alone looking up at tje sky feeling frustrated 'Uh...why can't liam leave me alone i love Jake not him can't he just move on already?'
Steel pawed the ground not wanting to go back to the den 'not if Liam is there'
She thinks to herself but then she hears paw steps and she gets to all for paws "Liam go away!" But to her relief it was a jolteon Steel then relaxed "Jake!" Steel yelped with happens Jake looked a bit surprised "Steel.... Your alone i thought you'd be with liam..." Steel frowns "what? Why would i be with liam when i asked to be with you?..beside liam is annoying and a spoink not to mention" sge huffed and Jake smiles "Steel i wanted to talk to you" Steel sat down "yeah?" He also sat down "...Look nothings ever really gone my way before...or when i thought it did i was wrong...Skylar me and her had a thing" Steel's eye's widened 'skylar wasn't lieing'
Jake frowns "she was my first....but then i learned what she was about it didn't work between us...but you" Jake paused and Steel leands in eager to hear what he had to say " Your different you give me a feeling not even Skylar could give me and honestly i was afraid to abimt my feelings in fear that I'd get a broken heart in return" Jake looked down at his paws Steel felt a bit taken back 'So this hole time he wouldn't talk because he thought I'd leave?'
Steel then gives a smile "Jake.... I'm not like that you don't have to be afraid" She says and then she get closer to the jolteon. Jake smiles and there almost touching noses "Steel... I really do love you" he says then Steel gives a kiss on his lips and and cuddles close his fur was softe and Steel felt safe being close to him she never wanted to move "Hey Steel let find a place to sleep" he says "Outside?" She asked and he smirks "Well i don't want to be around anyone else but you" Steel giggles and they go off and find a place to be alone.


The sun was raising Steel opens her eyes to find herself outside and she was close to Jake. She keeped thinking of last night. Jake also opened his eyes "Good morning Steel.." He says with a youn then he got up "mm we better get back to the other's Anglica might wake up and honestly i have questions" He says and Steel nods in agreamant and the head back to Mochos den.


They arrive at the den Dusty was sitting outside "Oh Steel jake your back" Dusty says happily waging his tail "Dusty did Anglica wake yet?" Steel asked but Dusty frowns "I'm afraid not" Sterl nods "Alright then..." Jake was a3 to walk into the den but then liam jumps out "Hey Steel your back!!" Steel frowns 'Oh-no i forgot about him...'
"Yea liam what do you want?" Liam walked up to her "i wanted to apologize for my behaver yesterday that was wtong of me" Steel didn't know what to think but she also didn't want this to go on any longer so "apologize accepted then" he got happy "great that's great so we can be friends" Jake came up "mmm Liam shouldn't you be hunting" jake snarled a nasty snarl.

Liam's P.O.V

Liam just smirked "Oh Jake your funny..." He said to the jolteon but then Matt came out "Hey liam can you go hunting Mocho says she wants foid for Anglica when she wakes" liam frowns and Jake smirks "well liam we'll see you later" jake and Steel walk away leaving Liam on his own 'muff he dosen't even know who he's dealing with hehe no girl would say no to this oh Steel beautiful shiny Steel'
He walk into the forest to find pray 'hmm i need to get Jake out of my way if i want Steel to be my mate though...i deserve a shiny mate!'

Sorry for the long wait but here it is finally

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