Chapter 43 : Unexpected

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Steel was sitting in the shade watching Anglica and Nexon practice there moves. She let out a sigh 'tomarrow we head to the palace to fight against Blaze....hopefully things work out' she thought to herself. Then Jake came up from behind her and sat down beside her "....maybe we should battle practice togeather... I mean if you want?" Steel glanced at the jolteon and smiles "Ok then....let's go somewhere we can practice" she then gets up and the two of them head to a more quite place to practice. Steel glanced around the place it was quite and the tree where thine and tje grass was soft 'perfect for battling' she then glanced at the jolteon who was a few paw steps away "Well this spot seems nice" he says and Steel noded her head. Then says "let's start" and with that steel starts with a shadow ball but Jake was faster then she had realized and moved away in time then he used electric ball throwing it at her with full speed hitting steel before she could react then he use quick attack pinning her already. Steel felt suprised she haded actually ever challenged the jolteon before, and never quite realized he was this fast and strong 'if i can't handle jake then how am i going to handle Blaze who injured jake?' Steel was able to kick Jake off and tryed to use iron tail but missed. Steel narrowed her eye's at him craving to get a good hit wanting despitely for the feeling she had got fighting the houndooms. She closed her eye's and used dark pluse hitting jake finally then she went for pay back but Jake turn tail and shot her with missiles "OWE!" She shouted. And hit the ground. She struggles up but her paws where week under her. Then jake smirks at her "heheso steel give in?" That word perced through her like a thorn, she hated losing. Her blood boild not wanting to give in she felt her enagy bance back before her
As she charged at him using bite getting him good. She then used iron tail again hitting him. Jake let a growl out then he used thunder but steelwas able to just got out the way in time using shadow ball hitting jake with a critical hit. Jake slamed to tne ground week now, he get's up slowly with his teeth showung in a frustrated matter. Steel could tell he hated losing as well but she didn't care at the time and she went for her final move using dark pluse hitting jake. The jolteon clasped on tbe ground breathing heavy. "huff, huff alright, huff, you win" he growls weekly not looking happy with how this turned out. But steel felt a bit disappointed in herself 'i need to work on my dose Jake do it?.. He moves so smooth and quite but yet he's moving lightning' jake got to his paws and glanced at Steel "hey... Why you looking so down, you won" he panted. Steel rolled her eye's "yea but the point in practice is to get better....but i seem to luck of speed.. I can't seem to get any faster" she grumbles and jake stared at her before he broke into laughter "hehe awe Steel don't warry about it....your really fast for an umbreon" steel shots him a glare "What do you mean for an umbreon?" Jake shufled his paws "Well not trying to brag see jolteons are the fastest eevee evolution. I don't think you could ever mach my speed" he said sitting down. Steel knew that about jolteon's but she didn't feel fast even when she's fighting Dusty or Matt. Jake frowns at her ".....Steel...why not work on defence? Umbreon's are really good at that" he said trying to make her more positive. Steel noded her head slowly before saying "i think i need a break from practice" she then turned away and headed back to camp, jake followed her "Well if you need a break tben....I'm going to go see if that Dusty guy wants to train with me" he barked before running up ahead to camp.
Steel walk into view to see Matt and Boris snapping at each other in a fight. Steel eye's went wide when she saw how Matt pushed Boris to the ground. Recusly snaping his fans at his neck 'My Arceus he's going to snap his neck!' Steel felt panick eating at her is this how mightyanaes practiced or was something else going on? Matt's eye's didn't show anything and nither did Boris as the younger mightyanae pushed his Alpha off and grabing hold off his scruff and dragging him. Steel flinch thinking about how much that would hurt but matt was able to swin his head around and bit visually at his front lage. Steel couldn't take much more 'there not even using moves or pawer....there just biting and scratching each other like savages' it was just strang to her and she wondered why no one else was bothered by it. Steel ran in between them making Matt let go off the lag he had clanched in his pawerful jow. Boris stumbled backwards looking puzzled and Matt backed up his one good eye darts to Steel and his face was one of confusion "Steel is something wrong?" The big mightyanae barked now lookin warried Steel suddenly felt akwerd standing there in between the two. Boris tilt his head back "did you spot danger when you and Jake went out to practice?" Steel frowns "no...i....i just....i guess I'm not use to seeing that kind of know the biting and all" Matt let a snort out before saying "Steel....that's how use mightyanaes like to do thing's....we bit each other in fights to keep strong and healthy....if you have notice there's no blood being split" Matt seemed calm but Steel could tell he was annoyed with her. Steel just gave a sheepish smile before running off feeling a bit silly for thinking that the two may have been actually trying to hurting one other 'mightyanaes sure are strang pokemon....Dusty never behaves like that'
Steel then lay fown by a tree letting herself relaxe finally but she still felt warry she lay her head down only to toss and turn feeling her stomach titen 'Ugh what the hell is wrong with me now?' She closed her eye's but something felt vary wrong.

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