Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)

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Ramune sat on his rock by the river like usual the sun was just raising over the tree's. Ramune just stared into the water feeling lost he couldn't explain why though 'i thought living with Julia would make me feel better...forget all about it'

Ramune clows slide out as he thought about his brother taking place as king 'i should be king not him I'm stronger them him....'

He thought darkly but let a long sigh "but is that really what i want?" He heard paws steps behind him "Ramune Bab...i was thinking we can go hunting to gether then head back to the palace..Matt said you still had stuff to take care of" Ramune rolled his eye's "yea hunting with you always is fun..." But he didn't like the thought of going to the palace. "Oh Ramune can't you just be happy for your brother?" He frownd and shock his head "ah Julia I'm sorry...but i can't" she frownd but just move on "alright well let's go"

They bothe headed for the forest to hunt

"Um....don't we usually hunt in the water?" Julia asked looking at Ramune. And he smiled "well....i a bit sick of sea food" he said and Julia noded "ok.."


They where close to the palace and Ramune and Julia had finished hunting and were hading back "wellthst was a good hunt...Ramune I'm off to our den I'll see later" and with that she jumps into the river when they got to the castle ""alright see love" Ramune mumbled and look around feeling that dark feeling again 'why do i have to came here...I'm not the king Blaze why do they bug me?'

Matt came running "Ramune i wanted to talk to you" he said and Ramune noded and walked into a room with the mightyanae

Matt sat down and so did Ramune "so Matt what's this about?" Matt huffed "well... One of the servers saw a ninetails neer by and he was sure it was soul" Ramune frowned "well go tell Blaze he's king not me" Matt shock his jead "i did tell him. But I'm telling you because your a warrior strong..if we have to fight against him Blaze said he wanted you to lead." Ramune felt talking back by this "what? He has to lead he's king it's a responsibility of his!" Matt frowns "Ramune...Blaze maybe king but that doesn't mean he has to you think your father lead all battles?" Ramune noded "actually i did!"

Matt shoock his head "Ramune....i lead most of them...even you lead the water tyes already" Ramune got to his paws and started to walk around the room in stress "so my brother is to much of a cowered to fight!... But i can't fight eitherJulia needs me now...she's expecting an agg" Matt jump up in shock "What?...she is?... Ramune I'm so happy for you" Ramune noded with a sad smile "yeah but if i fight in war i could die...and she would be alone to care for our child" Matt dropped his head "oh i see but your a brilliant warrior Ramune with you we'd win..." Ramune shook his head "no i made my mine up...i don't what to be the Prince anymore!" Matt walk up to him "What?...that's not your choice you are Prince Ramune you can't abandon that fact!" Ramune gave a cold look "well to and Julia are leaving everfree...i don't want to get stuck in this war..." Matt looked shook as ever and then he gave a sad noded "...your at less going to talk to Blaze right?" Ramune grunts at that 'Blaze...i hate him so bad i was hopeing to leave with out seeing him'

Matt blocks the exit "Ramune promise me you will say goodbye to blaze...if you left he would be so upset" Ramune rolled his eye's "fine I'll say goodbye on my way out" Matt look glad to hear that "Alright...when are leaving?" Ramune walked by "I'm hopeing tomorrow by sun set" Ramune stop as he felt a stab of sadness I'm leaving why? i have to go this forest is no place for a new boren egg beside i can't stand living with blaze anymore'

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