Chapter 9 : The threat (past)

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Blaze was sitting by the river staring at it with hollow eyes "hey" he heard a voice say.

Blaze looked behind him to see a vaporeon walking up to him "hey Ramune"

He greeted him.

Ramune sat beside him.

He smarks at Blaze "I know that look any day... what's up bro?" He asked with a obvious expression. Blaze gave a sad smile "...i-i just keep thinking about what my future holds for me..and what will happen to you? Will you still be around to help me? Because i need you" Blaze found the words harder to say then he thought. Ramune just laughs nudged his side "haha...your so funny worried about something so stupid like that.... You'll be fine and I'll be here always i mean were did you think i was going eh?"

Blaze shrugs "well... I don't think i want to lead.. This should be you. You were always the stronger one.. Not me" but Ramune just ralled his eyes at that "you Know think to much...i maybe stronger then you but not smarter and that's more important"

Blaze lookrd down at the water thinking.   ' well yeah but what if i need to fight to protect the forest of everfree?' Ramune pushed Blaze.

Blaze eye's wided with surprised. Ramune laughs again "hahahah you gotta get your head outta the clouds!" He teased. Blaze glared at the vaporeon before getting up.

Ramune notice "Uh-Oh see ya" he says as he took off in a Sprint and Blaze Chased after him.

Blaze was gaining on him and leaped on top of him pushing him to the ground in a playful fight as they rolled around for a few minutes.

Ramune was able to push Blaze off but bothe brothers were filled with laughter "hahaha oh were has the time gone?" Blaze said. Ramune just layed on the ground "long gone in the past silly" Ramune tessed. Blaze just smils and rolls his eyes "ok smartass" he tessed back but bothe of them just laughed. "Blaze!!!" Bothe brothers stopped when they herd Flashs voice call "oh-no how long has it been?" Blaze asked flating his ears to his head. Ramune's smile faded " long apparently"

Blaze rushs away to his father "hey dad im sorry i wasn't paying attention to the time" he explains. Flash gave a hard stare "Blaze you got to take this more seriously! One day you'll be in my place as king... And yor running off forgetting your responsibility!!" He yelled making Blaze flinch. 'huh my Arceus it can't be that hard.. Right it's like Ramune said...i hope'

After a long day of Flash making Blaze run around the forest Blaze finally got some time to himself.

"Finally some me time" Blaze said to himself. He was walking around the forest just injoying the site of the flowers that srawnded the area. 'Ah it's so peaceful and a vary good place to hunt' he thought feeling kinda hungry. Blaze eyes caught a torchic and crached dawn to hide he crerps up to it slowly then he leaped out and killed it fast with bite 'ah a nice tasty meal' he thought licking his lips "What have you done!!!" Yelled a unfamiliar vice Blaze shoots his head up fast to see a female blaziken staring in horror 'Uh-oh!' Blaze looked at her with a hint of fear "um...well sorry you weren't watching your child but I'm hungry so-oo yeah" he said picking up the lump body but the blaziken glared at him with hate "um so you expect me to be ok with that?..well no I'm not and you just made a big mistake flareone!!" Blaze didn't really want to fight 'like i said im not strong enough!' He thought with panick the Blaziken kick him really hard making him tumble down then the Blaziken jumped on top and started to use drain puch over and over again.

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