Chapter 19 : A message

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The sun was raising Steel helped Mocho with the herbs and Barry's Matt was laying down in a moss bed his eye was bleeding real bad. Mocho had a frown for the two were good friends. Steel also felt bad for the mightyena but he wasn't the only pokemon to get hurt Jake was also laying down with leaves on his neck. He was asleep mocho had already treated him.  Mocho walked up to matt "There...that should stop the bleeding..." Mocho said after applying the medicine on Matt's eye. Matt frowned "...Mocho.... My eye I'm never going to see out of it again am i?" Mocho frowns "I'm afraid not my friend" Matt sat up "...well ok but I'm not ever going to stop fighting...I was boring a warrior. And I'm a leader I'm not going to let this get in the way" he growled Steel smiles at him "that's good to hear Matt" Steel was happy that her friend wasn't to broken about the news of being half blind.

Matt looked at Steel with a look that she couldn't read.

Mocho looked at Steel "Steel thanks a bunch for helping out with this" steel nodeds "anything for a friend" Steel said as she walked off. Feeling a bit sad the took the dead body's and where going to barry them 'but...Slash he doesn't know Nekos dead'

Steel felt a tear run down her face she had liked Neko the cat like pokemon was kind and funny but now she was gone. "Goodbye my walk with Arceus now" she said looking at the dark sky. "Hey steel" steel looked to see David the houndoom "i just wanted to thank you for getting ride of Skull... Now i got a pack to go to" Steel smiles but then frowns "um a pack?...but they ran away plus most of them are loyal to Skull" David just shrugged "oh please they fear'd Skull and the one that were loyal well me and my pack will get ride of them" Steel tilted her head "ok but they still ran away" David just laughed "yea i guess you scared them... But I'll fine them...Steel I'm goimg now i i hope you can trust me now and i hope we meet again"

When Steel first meet him she didn't like him but he help train them and he did good in the battle "i do trust you and i hope to see you again" with that the houndoom turned away and walked away leave the shiny umbreon alone.


The sun was now high in the sky.

Steel and others sat around the graves Dusty digged for the pokemon that were killed in the battle.

Steel had some tears but Slash was crying he was looking at his sister's dead body. Steel closed her eye's she couldn't handle looking anymore the thought of losing a friend was to much 'that could of been Jake....or Dusty oh arceus what would i have done if that was the case?'

Dusty and some of the mightyanaes Stsrted to bury the dead pokemon. After that the just sat down with there heads down in silence a lot of them had tears in there eye's. Steel felt fired but didn't want go 'but....i need sleep...ugh'

She got up and walked away.


She walk by the river and was heading towed her and Jake's den 'i just want to sleep' was all she could think. She felt a sudden werkness wash over and she almost fell down 'ugh...wha-what is this?'

She struggled to stand she was having a hard time even trying to take a paw step'

She lifed her head a bit to see that she wasn't to far from her den "almost there...came i can do..." She took one step but this time she really did fall.

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