Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)

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Jake stared at the pokemon at the entrance but the sun was casting a shadow over him so he couldn't tell what pokemon he was "and why should i help you?" Jake growls at him wanting this Pokemon to leave him and Skylar alone.. Jake could just make out a smirk on the pokemons face "hehe....oh you'll want my help believe me" Jake spicked up his fur and pulls his lips back in a snarl "i don't think i do now GO!" He yells but the strange pokemon dosen't leave "heh....Oh Jake....just let me in. I can help you to get whatever you want" Jake eye's him "Yea and how can you do that?" then walks up yo Jake's side "Calm down Jake....he hasn't hurt anyone" she says trying to cool down the spark in the jolteon. 'How dose this pokemon know my nane though?....Something ain't right here!'
The pokemon then speaks "Ah the one i really wanted to see....Skylar....come i want to talk to you" Skylar looked shocked "Me?....uh why?" Jake then pulls the shiny sylveon away and glars at her "Skylar.... I don't think we should trust him....there something about him...i just know he's not good" she says but Skylar hold his gaze "....i get that you had it tough growing up and you warrie alot and have trust issues. But i can take care of myslef Jake and make my own chose and i want to hear what he's got to say." She say it carefully not to upset him but Jake didn't like the idea of him mate hanging around a stranger 'He could be dangerous for all we know'
Jake just growls "But skyl-" but she darted away to the strang pokemon "What did you want to talk about?" She asked and he smirks "Oh great things are our way Skylar....i wanted to ask for help....but first i must know...from both of you....can i trust you...will you be loyal to me?" Jake walk up to beside Skylar once more "And why should we be loyal to you?....what do you want from us?!" Skylar shoots jake a mean look but the stranger just luaghs " i bold so.....curious... Over protective....well Jake your brother was right....your just what i need" Jake looked surprised before lowering his head "I knew it....your not to be trusted" he vrowls in a low voice. Skylar tilted ger head "you've talk to Skull?" The strang pokemon noded his head "indeed i did....come walk with me....i want to talk about our future in everfree forest....and our king" Skylar gave an interest look "Oh really?" He then says "Blaze is time as king shall end...and i know a better improved King one that will not kill who will brin peace to our time.....or one who'll brin revenge" Jake drop open his mouth 'Revenge.... Hell no i don't want any part of whatever he's trying to say'
Jake glanced at Skylar "Babe we can't be apart of whatever it is he's talking about" Skylar looks at jake before letting a sigh out "huh...well....Jake if you really don't trust him... Then i won't either i love you jake and i trust your judgement more then anything" the strange chuckles "well if you two really don't want to hear me out....then I'll leave but i live by the tree of soul's come there at dusk if you change your mind....I'll be there anytime" he then walks away leaving them alone. Skylar gaveca sad look after ".....arevyou sure we can't trust him...after all Blaze killed my would be nice for a new king" Jake noded "it would be but...revenge isn't the way....i knew he was but to something just right out bad" Skylar then lay back down in her bed "....i guess....." She then closed her eye's to sleep.


Jake and Crystal where walking through the forest looking for pray. Jake was proud of his sister she had gotten stronger since they left home and skull. She frowns at Jake " come you never practice your moves with me or Skylar?.... I mean you don't even know any good electric moves....and i know all good ice moves" Jake frowns as he thinks about it. He didn't want to learn electric moves he wanted to learn psychic moves 'but that will never happen' jake drops his ear but dosen't answer her. Crystal stops and looks at Jake "Bro I'm not little any more you can talk to me...what's wrong?" Jake just shakes his head "nothing is wrong.... Look I'll start training ok" she frowns "i know that's not true... I also knew you use to talk about being an espeon" Jake stopped dead in his tracks. The glaceon smirks "you know you always act like i can't hear or think....and always bilding walls around yourself" Jake then grumbles "Yea there's a reson i do.... You can't just let anyone in your life without knowing what there about" she just laughed at him "you warrie to much bro... I agree with Skylar. You need to losing up a you evolved into a jolteon so why not enjoy it" Jake narrowed his eye's "Because i don't want to be a jolteon!.... In fact i rather be a sylveon or a umbreon.... A vaporeon is better then a jolteon at this point.....i...i just wish i could've evolved into a espeon like i wanted...but skull he forced the thunder stone on me" Crystal frowns at him Jake. And let out a depression sigh. Crystal placed a paw on his shoulder "...even if it wasn't what you wanted.... Or wasn't your plan but facts are facts you are a can look at this in a negative way or you could be
positive about this" Jake let a snarl out "oh yea what positive is there?" She smiles "your alive and breathing... your strong and your brave and your the best brother anypokemon could ask for!" Jake rolls hus eye's "And how dose that help me except being a jolteon?" She holds his gaze "...because just because your a jolteon dosen't change who you want to be or who you do you want to be happy in life or miserable?" Jake stared at her before getting up and walking away "you don't evolved to want you wanted to be now I'm going huntting without any more of this talking" he grunted feeling worse. Every day he wakes up only to find that his dreams are no more then a faded memory. Then a voice replays in his head 'i can help you to get whatever you want' 'But....can he really?'

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