1; "I dare you"

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The best way to start a book is by listening to an amazing song^

"Yes!" Jungkook's hand shot the up in the air in victory. "I win again!"

Jimin who was sitting beside him and playing video games with the younger, had lost again.

Both boys had played video games together countless of times and each one, Jimin had lost.

Jimin was starting to think that Jungkook was undefeateable in every video game they played.

Jimin groaned. "You're the Golden Maknae, of course you win again."

"No I think you just like to loose." Jungkook teased at the other.

"Whatever." Jimin said and stood up from his position on the ground and went to go sit next to Taehyung on the couch.

Everyone was currently sitting in the living room in the two couches of Jimin and Jin's small and cramped apartment.

Jin who was sitting in between Namjoon and Hoseok on one couch was talking to them about something, but Jimin didn't bother to listen.

The apartment had been Jin's at first, but once Jimin came out to his parents about being gay, he was kicked out of the house immediately. He even dropped out of college because he couldn't afford to pay for his studies.

At that time, Jimin only knew Jin and Yoongi, but he didn't know if Yoongi would accept him for that, so Jimin told Jin what had happened. Jin didn't hesitate to help and offer a home to Jimin.

Jin really cared about Jimin and he was also gay. His parents had the same reaction once he came out to them, so Jin understood what Jimin was going through.

Later on, the apartment became Jimin's as well because his parents didn't want him back, so he moved in with Jin and became part of his friend group.

Jimin didn't know Jin and Yoongi were also friends with each other, so he was confused and also flustered the moment he saw Yoongi at Jin's birthday party.

"What's up?" Taehyung said to Jimin once he sat down and he laid his head on the younger.

Jimin pouted. "I lost at playing video games with Kookie again."

Taehyung smiled and pinched Jimin's cheeks. "You're so cute when you pout."
(A/N: NerdieIceCream this reminded me of when you used to pinch my cheeks.)

"Hey!" Yoongi who Taehyung could of sworn was sleeping, sat up from the other side of Taehyung and slapped his  hands. "Don't pinch his cheeks."

Jimin blushed at the words his hyung said. It made Jimin's heart flutter and also gave him hope that maybe Yoongi did like him because Yoongi was the reason Jimin had decided to come out to his parents two years ago and he still has a crush on him.

That day of Jin's birthday, Jimin had also found out that Yoongi wasn't homosexual and that he was bi.

Taehyung huffed as he watched Yoongi reach over him to pinch Jimin's cheeks. "I can't pinch Jimin's cheeks, but you can?"

"Yes, you got that right." Yoongi said before stand up and moving to sit in between Taehyung and Jimin.

Yoongi didn't want Taehyung to touch Jimin.


Because Jimin was too precious.

Taehyung grumbled a 'whatever' and stood up. "I'm going to go have a word with that annoying little shit named Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung walked over to Jungkook and sat next to him on the ground.

Jungkook was playing video games in single player mode and Taehyung saw how good Jungkook was, but Taehyung wasn't going to admit it.

He didn't like Jungkook. He despised him.

Jungkook didn't like Taehyung either. Taehyung has never liked him for unknown reasons to Jungkook and that made Jungkook dislike Taehyung.

"Dude." Taehyung flicked Jungkook's head when he saw that the younger didn't bother to look at him.

Jungkook had ignored him. He didn't want to deal with Taehyung. All Jungkook wanted to do was enjoy playing video games at Jin and Jimin's house before he had to go back home.

"Jungshit." Taehyung flicked his head again.

Jungkook ignored him.

"Hey, you coconut looking headass. I'm talking to you."

"What do you want Taehoe?" Jungkook sighed irritatedly and paused the game once he knew Taehyung wasn't going to give up.

"You suck at video games."

Jungkook gaped his mouth open. Taehyung did not just say that.

How dare he say that? Jeon Jungkook is the best video game player.

Jungkook saw the corners of Taehyung's mouth forming into a smirk at his reaction.

Jungkook wasn't going to give Taehyung the satisfaction.

"What are you talking about? I'm The Jeon Jungkook. I am the best when it comes to video games. In fact, I'm basically good at everything, I'm probably better than you, hence my nickname the Golden Maknae. "

"Are you sure about that?" Taehyung asked. He had picked up Jimin's remote that was lying on the ground in front of him and looked at Jungkook directly in the eyes, challenging him.

"I'm positive." Jungkook said with a straight face while looking at Taehyung directly in the eyes.

"Then let's play." Taehyung said. "If you win, you'll prove that you're better than me. If I win, then you're not as good as you say you are. I am."

Jungkook spoke his next words confidently. "I'm better than you, so... I dare you."

Taehyung and Jungkook never knew how much their lives would change with those three simple words.

I dare you

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