13; "that's because you're a cat"

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Ateez's first comeback I'm so proud of them 🤧 go listen to 'Say My Name' and stan them too

This chapter goes to deadzombie101 thank you for pointing out grammatical issues while reading


Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Jungkook's words from a few days ago still continued to echo through his mind.

You should see how ridiculous that mullet looks on you.

Taehyung sighed. "I thought my mullet looked good on me, but usually that coconut head is correct even if its hurts to admit it, so maybe he's right about my mullet."

Taehyung continued to stare at himself through the mirror while he played with a few strands of his hair. He wasn't really sure what do with his hair.

"Wait, why should his opinion matter to me?" Taehyung asked. "If I feel like my mullet looks good on me then it looks good on me. Fuck his opinion."

But then, Jungkook's words echoed in Taehyung's mind once again and he had never felt so conflicted.

"What should I do with my hair?" He stressed.

An idea popped into his head. Taehyung quickly took out his phone from his pocket and searched up a word. "So handsomer is a real word."

Taehyung stared at his new haircut in the mirror.

He had gone to get his mullet cut and as he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.

"Would Jungkook like the haircut?" Taehyung pondered. He wasn't sure, so he decided to put on a headband just case. Headbands always worked for him.

He was in some weird relationship with the coconut head so he had to look presentable, right?

Taehyung checked the time on his phone and realized that it was time to go over to Jin and Jimin's house for dinner, so he left his house and headed to theirs.

Once he arrived, Jin was the first to ask questions about Taehyung's hair.

"Oh my god! What have you done to your hair? Where is your mullet?" Jin cried out. "First Jungkook and now you!"

"Jungkook cut his hair?" Taehyung asked as he around the living room looking for a certain coconut head, but was no where in sight.

"He styled it differently. He's with Jimin upstairs in his room if you want to see his new hair." Jin said. "You both don't come over to my house for dinner one time and that one time that you don't, you return with different hair. You guys aren't allowed to skip my dinner anymore. I already told Jungkook too. You both think you can do anything you want without having to ask me." Jin rambled on as he walked into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. "Jimin better not be next."

Taehyung chuckled. "You're such a mom, hyung."

"Because I care for you guys!" Jin yelled from the kitchen. "You guys are like my children."

"I'm not your child." Yoongi said as entered the front door and headed to one of the couches in the living room. He laid down on it and rested his hands behind his head.

"That's because you're a cat!"

Taehyung laughed. He knew Yoongi hadn't heard what Jin said because he had already fallen asleep the moment his head hit the couch pillow.

"Hi Tae," Hoseok greeted as he entered the house and behind him Namjoon. "Is Jin calling Yoongi a cat again?"

"He is one!" Jin argued from the kitchen.

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