special chapter 1; "we share the same last name"

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I know you guys miss this book, so here's a special chapter for you guys like I promised 💜


Namjoon paced around Jin and Jimin's apartment nervously. His friends weren't helping him feel at ease either.

"Listen, I need you guys to cooperate with me. Jin will get here soon and if this doesn't work, Jin might not marry me and-"

"Woah, calm down, Namjoon," Hoseok said as he placed his hands on Namjoon's shoulders go get him to stop pacing around. "Everything will be just fine."

"And besides," Taehyung said beside Hoseok. "Why wouldn't Jin hyung want to marry you? Jimin has told me about the sounds that come out of your mouth when you're in hyung's room, not to mention that one time when we went on a trip, I caught you two kissing."

Jungkook slapped the back of his boyfriend's head. Taehyung, you're not helping."

Taehyung pouted at his boyfriend while he pretended that Jungkook's hit hurt him. "Ouch, Kookie why did you hit me?"

"Stop acting like a child. This is why I haven't proposed to you yet." Jungkook said.

"You dared me to marry you, isn't that a proposal?"

"No, until I see the day that I am ready to be committed to you, you will wait and you will support Namjoon hyung on his proposal in the meantime, right hyung?" Jungkook asked as he smiled at Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded. "You guys can all support me by holding onto the signs I gave you and putting them in front of you when Jin arrives."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I swear, sometimes I feel like you love Namjoon hyung more than me."

"Shut up and take this." Jungkook shoved a paper in Taehyung's face with the letter R printed on it.

Hoseok took the other sheets of paper that Namjoon wanted his friends to hold.

"What is it supposed to spell?" Jimin asked as Hoseok handed him an R as well.

Hoseok smiled at his cute boyfriend. "You'll see." He said before handing Yoongi a paper with the letter A.

Hoseok made sure Yugyeom and Bambam had a letter as well. Jungkook had already gotten one when he had shoved the paper into Taehyung's face.

Yugyeom and Bambam were the most excited. Since they were married already, they had felt the excitement of a wedding proposal. They couldn't wait for Jin's reaction.

Namjoon's phone had buzzed in his pocket, so he took it out, his heart racing hoping that it wasn't Jin because he was nervous. He still needed more time to relax and-

My Handsome Jin: I'll be there in five minutes

Namjoon swore his heart dropped. He totally wasn't ready.

"Namjoon, are you okay?" Yoongi asked he noticed Namjoon staring down at his phone with a panicked expression.

"Jin is coming home in five minutes." He whispered.

"What?" Yoongi asked.

"Jin is coming home in five minutes!" Namjoon suddenly yelled.

"What if I can't bring myself to do it? What if last minute, I decided I can't do it? What if I get too nervous and start swearing? Or what if I break something and-"

"Namjoon hyung, Bambam and I came for a wedding proposal, not to hear your what-ifs." Yugyeom said while having his letter M in the air.

"And if you break something, it's okay because Jin won't be mad. He'll be too overjoyed at your proposal." Bambam added with a smile.

"We should practice before he gets here," Hoseok said.

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, we should practice."

For the sake of Namjoon, everyone cooperated and made sure to stand in order so they could spell out the words Namjoon wanted them to.

Then, Namjoon did a quick recital of what he was going to say to Jin.

"If anything goes wrong, make sure to compliment how handsome he looks," Jimin said.

Namjoon nervously nodded while patiently waiting for his lover to get home. He would be here at any moment.

"When you propose to me," Taehyung said as he turned to Jungkook who was beside him and holding a letter Y. "I hope you're not as stressed and nervous as Namjoon is."

"Why would I be stressed? It's just you." Jungkook said reassuringly.

Taehyung reached out to grab his boyfriend's free hand and kissed it. "I'm just saying, babe."

Jungkook smiled. He was about to say something else, but the doorknob from the front door began to shake as they heard Jin twisting the doorknob.

Namjoon took one mast deep breath before holding up his paper as well.

Jin looked taken back the moment he entered the apartment. He stared at Hoseok who was first and was holding a letter M, then to Yoongi was holding an A, after Yoongi, Jimin was followed by an R, same with Taehyung who was also holding an R, then to Jungkook who was holding a Y, after him it was Yugyeom who was holding an M, followed by Bambam who held an E and finally Jin's eyes reached Namjoon who held the ? at the end.

"Hi Jin," Namjoon smiled. We've been together for so long now. You know that I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor, of taking my last name and marrying me?" Namjoon nervously asked. He felt a few sweat drops rolling down his back. Namjoon was really nervous. He could feel his cold sweaty hands slightly shaking.

Jin opened his mouth and Namjoon thought he was going to say yes, but instead, the louder let out the loudest laugh he ever heard from him.

"What's so funny?" Namjoon faked laughed as he watched Jin put his hand on his stomach as he laughed hard.

Namjoon glanced at his friends worriedly, afraid that something was wrong. His friends gave him a thumbs up to reassure him when though they're ere worried that Jin would say no as well.

"Namjoon," Jin said as his laughter slowly began to dye down. He couldn't laugh too much anymore because his stomach was beginning to hurt. "We share the same last name."

"Oh yeah..." Namjoon smiled cheekily and scratched the back of his neck. "Is that a no then?"

"What are you talking about? Of course, it's a yes." Jin said as he pulled the younger into a small kiss. "I just thought it was funny how you asked me to take your last name when we have the same last name."

"I have the same last name as you guys too," Taehyung said.

"You can take Jungkook's last name at your guys' wedding."

Jungkook smirked at Taehyung before giving his boyfriend a kiss. "You'll have to wait for me to propose to you first."

Hoseok was watching the interaction between the newly engaged couple before turning to his own boyfriends.

"Alright, who's last name are we taking when we get married?"

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