special chapter 3; "you may kiss your groom"

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To the seven men who never forget to remind us to love ourselves, happy 7th birthday BTS


As soon as they got home from the high school reunion, Jungkook had pulled Taehyung in for a kiss to which Taehyung didn't hesitate.

As they kissed, Jungkook used his hands to dig into his pocket and pulled out the ring. He had bought the ring a few days after catching the bouquet at Yugyeom and Bambam's wedding He broke away from the kiss and stared at Taehyung who gasped, not expecting Jungkook to be holding a ring up to him.

"Taehyung, ever since that day I caught the bouquet at Yugyeom and Bambam's wedding, I couldn't stop thinking about my proposal. I was nervous at first because I wasn't sure how to propose to you. Namjoon hyung was literally sweating as he proposed to Jin hyung, but seeing how confident you stood up to that irrelevant former classmate of ours gave me the confidence to propose. I know you've been waiting for this moment for so long, so Taehyung... I dare you to marry me."

And that was how they ended up at the altar a few months later, ready to promise each other a life full of love forever.

"Do you, Kim Seokjin, take Kim Namjoon as your lovely wedded husband, to love and cherish always and forever?"

"I do," Jin smiled while looking fondly at his lover.

"And do you, Kim Namjoon, take Kim Seokjin as your lovely wedded husband to love and cherish always and forever?"

"I do," Namjoon repeated while giving Jin the same loving expression.

"Do you, Kim Taehyung, take Jeon Jungkook, as your lovely wedded husband, to love and cherish always and forever?"

Taehyung smiled his box-like smile as he stared into Jungkook's eyes and he said, "I do."

"And do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung as your lovely wedded husband, to love and cherish always and forever?

"I do," Jungkook said as he blushed while looking at Taehyung and his smile.

"You may kiss your groom."

You didn't have to tell Jungkook twice. He grabbed Taehyung by the back of his head and connected their lips together in such a passionate kiss, happy to be finally married.

Taehyung's smile remained as he kissed Jungkook back, letting the younger take control of the kiss, but before things could get too heated, Jin shouted at them.

"Hey, this isn't just your wedding. It's also mine and Namjoon's. Save the kissing for the honeymoon."

Namjoon chuckled as he pressed a soft kiss to the older lips. They had already shared their first kiss as a married couple, but he just wanted to kiss his husband again.

Husband. The word brought butterflies to Namjoon's stomach, as well as Taehyung's. He couldn't believe that he was now married to his husband, Jungkook.

They two married couples turned to the audience who cheered and clapped. It wasn't very many people since their parents were either homophobic or they had passed away.

Nonetheless, they were happy to have their friends at their wedding. Yugyeom and Bambam even invited their friends, Jackson and Mark who would soon be getting married as well.

All that was left was Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin. Their relationship was still going well, but they didn't think they were ready for marriage just yet. They still couldn't even come to terms on whose last name they would be taking.

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