33; "im not going to bottom"

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I realized that I made all the couples in this book sad and feeling awkward, but Yugbam

Also I didn't update last friday because I was so tired that week and then yesterday I was testing all day so my brain was not feeling it


The whole day, Jimin had successfully avoided Yoongi. He had occupied himself with anything he could. He helped Jin in the kitchen. He helped Hoseok come up with a new choreography for his dance students. He helped cheer up a sad Namjoon with his famous cute eye smile. He even helped Yugyeom and Bambam dye their hair a new color.

At dinner, it was even more awkward. Taehyung, who usually cheers him up when he's feeling down, seemed off too. He didn't joke around like he had been that morning. Instead, he was silent the whole dinner and quietly left the table and went to his room once he was done eating.

After Taehyung, everyone else started to head upstairs to their rooms as well. That was when Jimin knew he knew he could no longer avoid Yoongi anymore.

The two sat on the bed, Yoongi facing Jimin and Jimin averting his gaze somewhere else.

"Jimin," Yoongi started. "About last night-"

"Let's not speak about it." Jimin quickly said. "I don't know what came over me."

"But Jimin, I-"

"Hyung, you love someone else. What happened between us was just a sexual desire."


"I'll sleep on the floor tonight. I know how much you love your sleep-"


"-and I know how grumpy you get when you don't get enough sleep-"


"-I don't want to be the cause of a grumpy cat-"

"Jimin, let me-"

"- I really do care about you Yoongi, like a lot-"

"I do too, but Jimin just let me-"

"-I care about you so much that I'm willing to let my heart suffer just to see you happy with someone else. Even though it'll hurt me, I will still be happy for you Yoongi. I will....." Jimin closed his eyes as he felt tears start to form in his eyes. He didn't want to cry. Jimin took a shaky breath before continuing, his eyes still closed "...I will always care for you...." Jimin paused as he took another shaky breath. "...I will always care for you because I love you."


As soon as they finished eating their dinner, Taehyung quickly went upstairs to his room, Hoseok quickly following behind.

He didn't fail to notice Jungkook staring longingly at Taehyung as he passed by him.

Hoseok quickly shut the door of their shared room before turning around to face the younger. "Okay, now you're going to tell me wha-"

"Jungkook kissed me and I kissed him back!"

Hoseok's mouth and eyes widened in shock, but then quickly, he composed himself. "Finally! The poor boy has tried to kiss you how many times? Twice? Took you two long enough. I was actually starting to plan on how to set you two up. I thought about a beautiful sunset and- "

"I ran away after I kissed him back." Taehyung stopped Hoseok's fantasy.

"Oh? You kissed him back? So Jungkook initiated the kiss? I thought you were a top, Taehyung? Or are you not?"

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