24; "not like, but maybe love"

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I hope y'alls Valentine's Day went better than mine


"How did you know that I got off work early?" It was the first thing that Yoongi demanded once Taehyung arrived with Jungkook at Jin and Jimin's apartment.

Jungkook decided to not stay with the two and instead chose to go find Jimin and Yeontan.

"No hello hyung?" Taehyung asked jokingly while they went to go sit on a couch.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the younger. "Hi, now tell me, how did you know I got off work early?"

"I didn't know, but how did it go with Jimin?" Taehyung teased as he emphasized Jimin's name. He had to pretend like he didn't know how things went, but he also wanted to know what the two spoke about. Taehyung wasn't able to hear much, especially when Jungkook almost kissed him again. He was internally panicking.

Jungkook can not kiss me! We made a list of rules and 'no kissing' was on it!

Yoongi sighed. "I mean, we talked, that was something. Jimin also made eye contact with me after while of ignoring me, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore." Yoongi looked around the living room and spotted Hoseok sitting on the other couch, his phone in his hand and smiling at something. He lowered his voice before he spoke. "I regret kissing him." Yoongi whispered. "If I would've known that it would of caused our friendship to break apart, then I would of not of done it. I'm so stupid, Tae." Yoongi finished before he buried his face in his hands. 

Yoongi felt tears start to form in his eyes, but he did not want to let them out. He especially didn't want Jimin to see them. He wanted Jimin to think he was strong, not weak. Yoongi also thought he looked ugly when he cried.

Taehyung rubbed his friend's back in an attempt to make the older to feel better. "You're not stupid, hyung. Maybe Jimin loves you back, he just probably doesn't know it yet."

Yoongi raised his head and peeked at Taehyung through his fingers. "You think so?"

The sight made the younger want to melt into a puddle of softness.

Taehyung nodded and embraced the older in a hug. He had seen Yoongi's eyes begin to tear up and he knew how much the older didn't like to cry.

From the stairs, Jimin and Jungkook were watching. They both didn't like what they were seeing.

Why does it hurt that Yoongi is hugging Taehyung?  Jimin's put his hand over his heart as if it would prevent it from hurting.

I want Taehyung to hug me like he's hugging Yoongi and I want to hug Taehyung like Yoongi is hugging him. Jungkook felt a pang inside his chest. What is this feeling? He wondered while he continued to watch the Daegu boys hug.

"My baby!" Taehyung screamed after noticing Jimin and Jungkook standing on the stairs, Yeontan in Jimin's arms. "I missed you!" He said before he pulled away from Yoongi's embrace and ran towards Jimin. He picked up the little dog from Jimin's arms and raised him in front of his face, rubbing their noses against each other with a wide and proud smile on his face.

He hoped that Jimin and Jungkook had not seen Yoongi's teary eyes.

Yoongi, who was still trying to hide his watery eyes, smiled at the cute sight. He could tell that Taehyung really loved Yeontan.

Jimin and Jungkook also found the sight too cute to resist, but they didn't like the way Yoongi was looking at Taehyung.

Why is hyung smiling at Tae like that?  Jimin's heart was hurting once again and his hand on his chest could not stop the pain.

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