46; "you break his heart again, i'll break you"

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So someone reported the Yoonmin fan art on chapter 30 I-

Anyways I'm sorry for the April Fool's prank here's the real chapter 46. I made it a little longer than usual.


"Fuck," Jungkook groaned as Taehyung mercilessly pounded into him.

"Look at you," Taehyung cooed as he watched Jungkook wriggle underneath him. "So beautiful, my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend." Jungkook moaned.

"My boyfriend," Taehyung repeated in satisfaction before finally hitting Jungkook's prostate. The younger screamed in pleasure before coming. Taehyung thrust a few more times before he felt his own orgasm.

Jungkook reached up and brushed Taehyung's sweaty fringe away from his face before pulling his head close and kissing him.

Taehyung came inside the younger while Jungkook moved his lips against his, nibbling on Taehyung's bottom lip, asking for an entrance.

Taehyung moaned as he gave Jungkook what he wanted, the younger greedily exploring every inch of his mouth.

Without a warning or even giving Taehyung a chance to pull his dick out of him, Jungkook clung onto Taehyung before rolling over and switching their positions, causing Taehyung's dick to slightly slip out and rub against Jungkook's wet clenching hole.

Jungkook moaned as he pushed his ass down onto Taehyung's dick again. He gave the older a few more kisses before slowly breaking away.

Taehyung's eyes looked up, his eyes glazed as he stared at his boyfriend hovering over him. "I love you, Jungkook."

"I love you too, Taehyung." And then Jungkook was back to kissing Taehyung. Their teeth clashed against each other's as they hungrily fought for dominance.

Taehyung bucked his hips up, causing Jungkook to moan again, parting his mouth open and letting Taehyung take advantage.

Now that Taehyung had control again, he placed his hands on the younger's thighs as he slowly guided him on his cock.

Jungkook whimpered as he felt Taehyung teasing, not going as fast as he wanted. The older's big strong hands held his thighs, going at a very slow pace.

"Please, faster," Jungkook whispered as he broke away from the kiss.

In a low and horse voice, Taehyung spoke, "As you wish, baby boy."

Jungkook's hands reached out and held onto Taehyung's wide shoulders as the older began to buck his hips into Jungkook at a much faster pace.

Sweat trickled down Jungkook's forehead as he closed his eyes and began to move his ass up and down as well.

"Fuck," Taehyung groaned, hearing the sound of their skin slapping against each other.

"Hyung..." Jungkook called out feeling nothing but pure bliss.

Taehyung's dick hardened even more than it already was. He pushed faster, causing Jungkook to bounce on his dick and dig his fingernails into his shoulders, but Taehyung didn't mind.

"Hyung..." Jungkook whined. "I'm close." He whispered, his eyes closed as he saw nothing but stars.

Taehyung continued to mercilessly buck his hips into Jungkook as fast as he could. "I'm close too." He whispered as he felt his own orgasm.

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