36; "it's okay to love someone"

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I entered this book in the dreamcatcher awards here on wattpad and they chose the top winners from my category(the categories were different kpop groups such as BTS, EXO, Got7, ect and obviously I was in the bts category) and guess what? I WAS ONE OF THE WINNERS

Also so there is no confusion, this first part takes place during high school, so it's no longer middle school Taehyung. And the part where Jin mentions his mom, that was before he came out to his parents.


"Hyung!" Jin heard someone shouting at the door. He quickly opened it to reveal a sobbing Taehyung drenched in rain.

"Taehyung! You're going to get sick. Come in and I'll get you some dry clothes. I'll make you a delicious, but healthy bowl of soup, so that you won't get sick. My mom taught me how to make it."

Taehyung shook his head and cried some more. That was when Jin noticed the younger's tears. "Are you crying?" He asked.

"Hyung, I-I told my parents and now they're mad at m-me."

"What?" Jin asked confused. "What are you talking about, Taehyung? What did you tell your parents?"

"I-I told them a-about a person that I-I care about. "

"Why would they get mad about you caring for someone?"

"They're mad be-because I told them that I think I l-love that person, but I'm scared. I don't want to love them."

"Tae," Jin softly spoke as he reached out to hug the younger. "You don't have to be afraid, even if your parents don't accept it. It's okay to love someone."

"No!" Taehyung cried. "It's not okay to love them."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't love a guy." Taehyung broke down into more tears and Jin hugged the younger tighter.


Jungkook smiled to himself like an idiot as he laid in bed, thinking about his shared kiss with Taehyung.

He couldn't believe that Taehyung had basically asked for him to kiss him. He thought he was hearing things, but once he saw Taehyung looking at his lips, he knew he wasn't.

The moment Jungkook's lips came in contact with Taehyung's, the older instantly kissed back. Jungkook could of sworn he felt Taehyung lightly smiling into the kiss.

It was so soft and gentle as if Jungkook was afraid that Taehyung would suddenly pull away at any moment.

Jungkook giggled as he touched his lips. I kissed Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Taehyung laid in bed cuddling Hoseok. Yeontan was sleeping on the ground beside the bed.

Ever since Taehyung kissed Jungkook for the first time, he started to get flashbacks from his childhood and high school years, but they weren't happy memories. He was also starting to fear the dark once again after slowly conquering his fear.

Jungkook helped him conquer it without realizing it, but he also brought that fear back after their kiss.

Taehyung touched his lips as he remembered the way Jungkook kissed him, so gentle. He didn't giggle.

He was starting to regret it. 

That morning Taehyung got up early to talk to Jin. Jin was the only person who knew about Taehyung's secret. He had hinted his secret to Hoseok a few days before and he wasn't if Hoseok caught on.

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