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Before y'all get mad at me and start asking when I'm going to update, I would like apologize for my lack of updates.

I felt so unmotivated all summer despite already having something in mind for the next chapter. I just didn't have the energy to do it.

Now that school has started, I really don't have the time to update as much anymore. It's also my senior year, so this is my last chance to improve my grades and GPA. I will be focusing more on school, but I will also try my best to update as often as I can. I really enjoy reading your guy's comments every time I get on to check my notifications.

And get excited because I'm going to update soon. It'll be one of these days. I know I always say "iM gOiNg To UpDaTe SoOn" but never actually do that I say, but this time I'm serious. I've been dying to write again. So, please look forward for a new chapter sometime this week.

If you guys would like, you can also go check out my book 'Loved'. It's also a Taekook book. It only has one part published, but that's because my main focus on writing is this book. I'm trying to finish it because it's been a whole year since this book was published.

Anyways, BTS were on the vacation and now that they're back, Jungkook has the AUDACITY to have some new cute tattoos of his hyung's initials on his hands and the word ARMY as well.

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