25; "Jungkook's boyfriend invited us on a trip"

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I went to the store and bought myself some Valentine's Day candy because it was on sale. It was a late happy Valentine's Day for me


Hoseok figured that if he was able to help his friend Namjoon confess to Jin, then he could help Yoongi sort things out with Jimin and make Taehyung realize that he may have feelings for Jungkook.

He also wanted a break.

Hoseok has been texting someone important for the past few days, but he wasn't sure if he should reveal it to his friends, so he chose to talk to someone else about it first.

"Hey, Yeontan." He said as he ran his fingers through the little dog's fur. "Do you think I should tell them that I'm talking to someone?"

Yeontan only stared back up at Hoseok.

He sighed. "They're kinda important to me."

Again, the little dog continued to stare up at Hoseok. The other pursed his lips before he continued. "Namjoon once asked me if I loved someone."

Again the little dog did nothing but stare up at Hoseok.

Hoseok sighed. "Since you're not barking or anything, I'm assuming that I shouldn't tell them yet."

This time, Yeontan barked. Hoseok smiled. "Okay, Yeontan. Thank you for listening."

"What are you doing talking to my dog?" Taehyung asked he walked in the room.

Hoseok shook his head while he continued to smile. "Nothing."

Taehyung raised his eyebrow. "Okay then, come on, Yeontan." The younger called out to the little dog who ran up to him. He picked him up. "It's time to walk Jungkook home."

At that, Hoseok's smile grew wider. "You're walking Jungkook home? Oooooh boyfriend material, I see."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Shut up, hyung. I'm just walking him home because I've only done it once and that one time I did, his house looked so familiar, but I can't seem to put my finger on it, so I'm trying to figure it out. And it's also dark outside."

"Or..." Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. "You secretly love him."

"Who loves who?" Jungkook asked as he stepped in the living room as well.

Taehyung's face reddened. "No one-"

"He loves-"

"Shut up, Hobi hyung I don't love-"

"Yeontan!" Hoseok exclaimed happily.

Yeontan barked upon hearing his name. He stuck his tongue out cutely while looking at Taehyung.

"You don't love Yeontan?" Jungkook questioned.

"What?! Of course I love Yeontan. I just thought he was going to say someone else." Taehyung nervously said while patting Yeontan's soft fur.

"Who did you think I was going to say?" Hoseok teased. He knew damn well, who Taehyung was thinking about, but he just wanted to tease the younger a bit.

"Uh... th-the guy who... the guy who sells hot dogs by the grocery store!" Taehyung exclaimed, suddenly thinking about the guy who gave him a lot of mustard on his hot dog when he asked for no mustard. "I used to love hot dogs, but uh... the hot dog guy ruined them for me. He put mustard in it when I clearly told him no mustard. I hate mustard!"

"Oh," Jungkook chuckled while Hoseok put a hand over his mouth to prevent his laugh from escaping.

"I'll walk you home." Taehyung said to the younger. He ignored his hyung who looked like he was going to let out his laugh any second.

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