27; "is Taehyung your boyfriend"

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"-don't ask my friends too many questions, don't make out in front of my friends, don't you dare even share embarrassing stories of us, and don't even go anywhere my friend Jimin, he's extra special and someone is a little possessive over him and might get jealous."

Jungkook's friends stared at the boy in confusion after he listed about fifty things that the two should not do once they arrive at the lodge.

"Um, why can't we do these things?" The taller male asked as he turned to look at Jungkook who was driving beside him.

"Yeah, why can't we? All those don'ts are making me want to do them, especially the Jimin one." The other male said as he sat in the seat behind Jungkook.

His boyfriend gave him a threatening look through the rearview mirror. "Not only will someone get jealous over Jimin, but I will too if you try anything."

The male looked down at this lap like a child who was scolded while he nervously played with this fingers.

Jungkook sighed. "Just don't do them." He said before the next minutes remained silent before he spoke up again. "Oh, I also had another don't for you guys, but I forgot, so I'll just tell you when I remember."


Jimin and Yoongi awkwardly took out the luggage from the car while Jin and Namjoon had gone to see the rooms and who would be sharing with who.

They had been the first ones to arrive and now they were just waiting on the others.

"Can you pass me my bags?" Was the only thing Jimin said to Yoongi before Hoseok's car arrived.

Yoongi sighed as he placed the younger's bags on the ground where he stood a few moments ago before he watched Jimin run over to Taehyung and hug him like he hadn't seen him in a long time, but really it had only been three hours.

Hoseok went and stood beside the older. "Did you talk to Jimin?"

Yoongi shook his head no. "He only asked for his bags and that was it."

Hoseok looked between Yoongi and Jimin while an idea formed in his head. He smirked. "I have a solution."

Before Yoongi was able to say something, Hoseok ran towards Jin and Namjoon who were coming their way. "How many rooms are there for us?"

"Four," Namjoon replied, looking confused.

"Perfect, let Yoongi and Jimin share a room." Hoseok said as he turned to look at Jin.

"What? No, I was going to make Yoongi share a room with you and-"

Hoseok narrowed his eyes at the older. "I'm sure you want to share a room with Namjoon."

Jin gasped. He turned his head to face Namjoon. "He knows?"

Namjoon nervously smiled. "Yeah," He rubbed his neck. "Hoseok helped me find the perfect time to confess to you."

"You should thank me, by the way," Hoseok said while looking at Jin. "By making Yoongi and Jimin share a room."

"Then who's going to share a room with Taehyung?" The older frowned.

"I will and Jungkook can share a room with his parents. Namjin will be in one room, Yoonmin will be in another room, then Taehope?" Hoseok questioned himself. "Will share a room- oh and Yeontan. Then, so Jungkook's parents won't feel uncomfortable, Jungkook will be sharing with them. There, problem solved." Hoseok said as he gave the two their luggage he grabbed on his way towards them and pushed them towards the lodge before running back to Yoongi.

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