5; "sleep with me, please"

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It's currently snowing where I live, so I hope school gets canceled tomorrow, so that I can update again because I'm liking these frequent updates that have been happening this week.

Also, can we just appreciate Namjin, Jimin's angelic voice, Taehyung's "a singing star", Jungkook with wet hair being a new kink, the choreography, the theme and aesthetics, and most importantly THE VISUALS.

Namjoon didn't get a chance to confess his feelings to Jin. They were too busy with Taehyung and Jungkook that the question that they wanted to know hadn't crossed their minds.

Well, except Hoseok's.

He was even more excited to go work on a Monday than he usually was, because he wanted to talk to the new shy secretary that sat in at the entrance of his job.

Unfortunately, he had to call in sick at his job today because Jin needed someone trustworthy to take care of Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jin didn't trust Yoongi because he saw him laughing at the two younger ones while taking pictures saying something about proof.

Jin also didn't trust Namjoon. Namjoon isn't very good with those types of things and not to mention he breaks everything that he touches, so Jin can already imagine how messy the house would be once he returned.

And Jimin? Well, Jimin and Taehyung are '95 liners, basically twins in a way and Jungkook is Jimin's best friend. So, Jin can already imagine both boys arguing over Jimin and giving him a hard time.

So, that left Hoseok.

"So, why were you guys up in the tree in the first place?" He asked.

They were currently a Jin and Jimin's house because Jin insisted on babying them once he got home.

Jungkook was sitting a few feet away from the tv in the living room playing video games. The volume was turned up, but not too loud. It was enough for you to hear the sound effects going on in the game.

Taehyung was laying on the couch behind Jungkook with his arm propped over his eyes as he tried to sleep over Jungkook's game.

Key word, tried. It wasn't working.

When both boys, ignored Hoseok's question, he huffed and grabbed the remote and turned off the tv.

"Hey!" Jungkook exclaimed.

Hoseok ignored him and went over to Taehyung. He had removed his arm from his eyes and had looked up when Jungkook yelled.

"Answer my question, please."

Taehyung huffed. "Ask the idiot who injured my back."

"I wouldn't have injured your back if you would of just moved over when I asked nicely the first time." Jungkook shot back.

"You didn't even ask nicely."

"I ask nicely after that."

"Still, you injured my back and now I'm going to have back problems like Yoongi hyung." Taehyung grumbled before he turned around to face the couch. "Besides it was your idea to spy on Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung. You even dragged Jimin with you. I was simply invited by Yoongi who was invited by Jimin."

"You were still up in the tree with me!" Jungkook argued back.

"So were Jimin and Yoongi."

Jungkook huffed and was about to curse at Taehyung, but Hoseok stopped him. "Why don't we go eat. We can talk about this later."

Jungkook nodded and walked to the kitchen with Hoseok to help prepare lunch, even though his whole body was sore and kept telling him to lay down.

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