18; "my kid can't be older than me"

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Look at Hobi's proud smile as Sangmin danced to his part in fake love 😍

You'll know what the purpose of the video was after you read the chapter


Hoseok smiled once again at the sight of his dance students dancing.

He had taught them a new dance routine and after learning it, Hoseok put his students into groups, each group having seven students.

He watched as his students dance in sync with each other and how much they had perfected their dancing.

The song that the students were currently dancing to was called 'Fake Love'. It was by some big boy band named Bangtan Sonyeondan. Hoseok loved their music.

Then, the dance teacher heard his favorite part of the song coming on. He watched attentively at the dance group that he was currently standing in front of and saw one of his students dancing to his favorite part which was rapped by one of the members in the group named J-Horse.

Hoseok smiled at how perfectly timed the student's feet moved before he moved on to the next group.

As Hoseok was packing up his bag to get ready to go over to Jin and Jimin's apartment for dinner, he spotted Taehyung running past his his studio where he worked at.

The dance teacher furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He wondered if Taehyung was okay and debated whether or not he should go after the younger and ask just to make sure, but once Hoseok made it outside, Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.

Hoseok sighed. "I'm sure he's okay."

As Hoseok started to make his way to Jin and Jimin's apartment, he couldn't help, but think about why the younger looked like he was in such a rush.

It wasn't until he was already walking through the front door when Hoseok realized something.

Taehyung wasn't running in the direction of Jin and Jimin's apartment.

He was running in the direction of Yoongi's house.


"Tae!" Yoongi cried into Taehyung's neck. "I kissed him and now he's mad! What am I going to do?!"

Taehyung awkwardly patted Yoongi's back. He wasn't really sure what to do with these types of situations. He usually avoided them.

And most importantly, Yoongi was never like this.

"I'm not exactly sure, hyung. I never kissed anyone." Taehyung said.

Yoongi stopped crying for a moment and leaned back to look at the younger's face. "You've never kissed anyone?" Taehyung shook his head no before Yoongi went back to crying again.

"When I kissed Jimin," Yoongi said through sobs. "It felt like the most amazing thing that I've ever done. His lips were so plump, so soft-"

"I don't want to know how it feels like to kiss Jimin." Taehyung interupted.

He seriously didn't want to know.

Yoongi glared the younger through tears. "I'm just trying to describe how it felt to kiss someone. The moment felt so magical. Too bad it's going to be the last time I'll be kissing Jimin. He hates me now." Yoongi said before he went back to crying.

Taehyung embraced his best friend in a hug and let him cry on his neck once again as it was the only thing Taehyung could think of doing at the moment. It hurt him to see one of his best friends crying.

"Yoongi hyung, please don't cry." Taehyung said while running his fingers through Yoongi's hair and rubbing his back to help the older calm down. "I don't like to see you like this."

"I don't think I'll stop crying for days." Yoongi's voice sounded muffled as he continued to cry into Taehyung's neck. "I'm so stupid."

"Shh, don't say that." Taehyung said. "You're not stupid. You're the Min Yoongi. If I could describe you in one word, I'd say genius."

"Well clearly I'm not a genius."

Taehyung frowned. That usually helped Yoongi feel better when he was feeling down, but clearly it didn't help this time.

"Come on hyung, let's get you to bed. Maybe you'll feel better in the morning after you get a goodnight's sleep."

Another thing that helped Yoongi feel better was sleep and Taehyung hoped that it would help.


After dinner, Jin watched the maknae play with Yeontan while Jimin sat on the couch sulking. Hoseok was watching something on his phone while Namjoon was helping the older in the kitchen.

"Do you know where Yoongi and Taehyung are?"

Namjoon shrugged as he rinsed off the dishes that Jin passed him before putting them in the dish rack to dry. "Jungkook said something about them, but I was too busy trying to hold myself back from kissing you in front of them."

Jin smacked Namjoon's arm. "You're such a bad parent."

"A bad parent?" Namjoon asked while he rubbed his arm where Jin hit him. "I don't have any kids... unless you want to have kids. Just make sure to baby proof everything because I'm very clumsy so I might end up hurting the kids and-"

"Namjoon, I meant Yoongi and Taehyung."

"Oh," Namjoon stopped his rambling about having kids. "..But they aren't my kids. My kid can't be older than me." Namjoon said as he referred to Yoongi.

Jin's laugh could be heard through out the apartment and Hoseok had to cover his ears from that windshield laughter.


It is true that whatever happens in middle school, follows you to high school.

Jungkook learned that the hard way.

On the first day of high school, there were already rumors about him being gay, but no was sure.

Jungkook would no longer smile at Taehyung once he saw the older walking down the hallway. Instead, he would busy himself with something and pretend he didn't see the older walk past him.

He still missed his best friend, but he learned not to wait for someone if they're just going to waste your time.

Instead, Jungkook found himself a new best friend.


I've been listening to Got7's new album on repeat for two days now(since the day it came out) and i don't think i'll be stopping anytime soon

Go listen to it if you haven't

Also the surprise I had for you guys was a new book titled 'Cooking Class' it's a namjin fanfic. The book comes out on Hobi's birthday, but I already published the intro and the trailer so you should go check it out

 The book comes out on Hobi's birthday, but I already published the intro and the trailer so you should go check it out

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