48; "you dare me to be your husband"

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I also don't feel sorry for adding Jackson in this chapter. Stream Got7's Not By The Moon.

QOTD: What has been your favorite chapter(s) in the book?

Mines are chapter 15 when I first introduced Yeontan, chapter 32 when Yeontan made Taekook kiss and chapter 44 when Taehyung and Jungkook went on a date.

This is the last chapter of the book btw :)


Yugyeom and Bambam's wedding day arrived faster than they realized.

Jungkook was calmly sitting on his two best friends' bed as he watched Yugyeom frantically run around his bedroom looking for the rings.

Bambam was at Hoseok's house right now, helping him get ready. It's bad luck to see your partner on the day of your wedding before the wedding or at least that's what Yugyeom said.

"I lost the rings, Jungkook! Stop sitting there so calmly and get the fuck up and help me! If you ever lose your weddings rings for yours and Taehyung's wedding, don't ask me to help you find them because you're just sitting there watching me panic as I-"

"The rings are in your pocket." Jungkook calmly spoke, a small smile on his lips as he watched Yugyeom stop searching and quickly dig into his pocket to pull out the rings.

Yugyeom let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, I really thought I had lost them and-" Yugyeom paused as he glared at Jungkook. "You knew where the rings were this whole time?!"

"You put them in your pocket right before you started to panic, thinking that you had lost the rings."

"Jeon motherfucking Jungkook, I will kill-"

"Please don't murder my boyfriend," Taehyung said as he walked into the room. "I'd like to marry him one day."

Jungkook blushed at his boyfriend's comment and roamed his eyes over Taehyung's body. He was wearing a simple grey suit and a white shirt. His black hair made him look effortlessly beautiful.

Taehyung winked at Jungkook when he caught the younger checking him out, so he quickly turned his attention back to Yugyeom.

Yugyeom huffed in annoyance. "Don't you dare get on my nerves today too. This is supposed to be my wedding day and I'm stressing over-"

"Stop stressing," Jungkook said as he stood up and walked to his best friend. He put his hands on Yugyeom's shoulders and began to massage them to relieve the stress.

It was clearly working. Yugyeom forgot what he was going to say and just let himself lean into Jungkook's touch.

"In just a few hours you'll be Mr-"

"I'm not taking Bambam's last name. I don't even know how to pronounce it." Yugyeom said.

"In just a few hours you'll be sharing your last name with Bambam," Jungkook corrected.

"How do you not even know how to pronounce your fiancé's last name?" Taehyung asked.

"How did you not realize your feelings for Jungkook sooner?"

Taehyung pursed his lips into a thin line and stayed quiet. He had no comeback to shoot back at Yugyeom, so he let his boyfriend do the talking to calm the younger down.

"I should have asked Hoseok to be the man of honor instead," Yugyeom said with his eyes closed as Jungkook continued to massage his shoulder.

Offended, Jungkook scoffed. "I love Hoseok, but I'm your best friend."

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