16; "do you love someone"

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I wish I could go to a real concert though 😔


For the rest of the week, Jimin noticed something different about his hyung- no wait, scratch that- he noticed something different about two of his hyungs.

Jin wouldn't normally care how his hair looked or how he was dressed.

Now, he did.

Namjoon who was usually clumsy, suddenly became clumsier.

He broke so many things in Jimin and Jin's apartment, that Jimin decided to sleep over a friend's house for the weekend.

"Do you think there is something wrong with Jin and Namjoon hyung?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi, who was sitting behind the younger on the couch, was running his hands through Jimin's soft hair. "I think Namjoon finally confessed his undying love for Jin hyung."

Jimin suddenly turned around, startling the older and quickly put his hands on Jimin, so that the younger wouldn't fall off the couch from the uncomfortable position they were currently in.

Jimin's eyes flushed pink as he realized the position they were in, but made no effort from moving away from the older.

Neither did Yoongi.

Both of them stayed like that, until Yoongi's face began to move closer to Jimin's.

Jimin panicked. What do I do? I can't kiss Yoongi! He loves someone. He even said it that one time when Taehyung and Jungkook fell off the tree and- wait- what if I'm the person that he loves? No, he could love a girl. He's bisexual after all. Damn it,  what-

Jimin's interall panicking was cut off by the feeling of Yoongi's soft lips gently pressing against his.


The restaurant's door opened and the little bell rang, indicating that a customer had arrived.

Jin quickly made his way out of the kitchen to take the person's order.

He wasn't expecting for it to be Namjoon to be standing on the other side of the counter.

"Hey, love." Namjoon smiled. He leaned forward on the counter and pressed a quick, but soft kiss on Jin's lips.

Jin, who was still not used to the action, blushed, but quickly pushed Namjoon back. "Namjoon, I'm at work."

Namjoon continued to smile. "I know."

"I can't let my boss see me or else he'll think that I'm trying to flirt with the customers."

"Just tell him that you're my boyfriend."

Jin's eyes widened. "Boyfriend?"

Namjoon nodded goofyingly.

"But you haven't asked me to be your-"

"Kim, Seokjin," Namjoon said as reached for Jin's hand. "Would you....." He intertwined their fingers before continuing. "....be my boyfriend?"

Now, it was Jin's turn to lean forward on the counter. He grabbed Namjoon's shirt and pulled the younger closer, their faces inches from each other.

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