10; "let's continue what we started last night"

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lilac-stars I did it 😤

Also this is probably the longest chapter I've written so far


Jimin looked at his reflection in the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair one last time before he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Finally," Jin said. "I was starting to think you fell down the toilet."

"Hyung, aren't you late for work?" Jimin said as he ignored Jin's comment and headed to his room.

He heard Jin mumble an 'oh shoot' before the bathroom door closed.

Today was Jimin's day off work and he had decided to spend the day with his hyung; Yoongi because it was also his day off too, so Jimin thought, why not?

Jimin quickly found an outfit that he thought would impress Yoongi and looked in the mirror one last time, combing his fingers through his hair until he was satisfied before he walked out of his room.

He passed by Jin on his way out the door who frantically ran out of the bathroom with only wearing his pink hearts underwear while also having toothpaste on the side of his mouth. He headed to his room and closed the door.

Jimin shook his head. "This is karma for not letting in Tae and Kookie in last night."

"Shut up Jimin and just go on your date with Yoongi!" Jin yelled through the closed bedroom door.

Jimin chuckled before he walked out of the apartment and began to walk in the direction of Yoongi's house. He didn't want to take the car because Jin was already late for work and he didn't want his hyung to be anymore late than he already was.

Yoongi's house was coming into view when Jimin stopped walking. He just then realized something.

"How did hyung know I was going to see Yoongi?"


"They might suspect me if they start to get suspicious." Yoongi said as he talked on the phone. "I kinda exposed myself a little last night, but whenever I get the chance I will do it. You are the one who should be more careful though."

Yoongi waited for the other person's reply before he let out a soft laugh. He then glanced out the window and saw Jimin heading to his house. "Hey, I gotta go Jimin is here."

The person on the other side of the phone then said something that made Yoongi roll his eyes. "It's not a date." Yoongi then hung up and at the same time heard the doorbell ring. As he headed to answer the door Yoongi thought about the possibilities of how he and Jimin would be spending the day.

He fixed his hair in the areas he thought were messy and then opened the door for Jimin.

"Have you had any breakfast?" He asked.

"No, not yet. Hyung woke up late this morning, so he didn't have time to make breakfast." Jimin answered.

Yoongi nodded and then headed towards his kitchen to make some breakfast. Jimin followed him.

Yoongi opened the pantry to find something to eat, but wasn't in the mood for oatmeal or any of the other contents. He closed it and went to open the refrigerator only find a carton of eggs and a few vegetables in there.

Yoongi closed the refrigerator door and then opened it once again after a few seconds. He repeated the process a few more times while Jimin watched.

"Opening and closing the fridge isn't going to make food appear in your fridge." Jimin laughed.

Yoongi looked at the contents inside his refrigerator one last time before he closed the door and rubbed his neck embarassed. "I usually go to eat at your house to eat."

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