23; "you can sit on my lap"

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BTS didn't win any award but the Grammys still claimed them and their work and that itself is a win. And did you guys also hear Drake's speech that was directed towards the boys

I made this chapter a little longer. I feel like the 1,000 word chapters that I type are a little short


Jimin smiled while playing with the little dog in his lap.

Taehyung had asked Jimin to take care of his dog for a few hours while he went to run an errand with Jungkook. Then he asked Yoongi if he could come over his house and take care of Yeontan as well.

What both boys didn't know is that they were being set up.

"Do you think it will work?" Jungkook whispered.

"I hope so." Taehyung replied beside the younger.

They were currently hiding behind a tree across the street from Taehyung's house. The tree was quite big and tall that it reminded Jungkook of that one time when he fell off the tree with Taehyung while they were spying on Namjoon and Jin. He just hoped nothing bad happened and that they wouldn't have to climb the tree.

Well, too bad. I guess luck wasn't on Jungkook's side today. He saw Yoongi walking from afar and although he was quite far, you were still able to spot the older's mint green hair.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook whisper shouted. "Yoongi's coming!"

"Oh, that's great! We don't have to wait much longer." Taehyung replied, not looking at the younger. His eyes fixed on Jimin interacting with Yeontan. It was a very cute sight that he couldn't seem to look away.

"No, Taehyung, he's walking on the same side of the street as us. What if he sees us?"

"Shit!" Taehyung cursed while finally being able to look away from Jimin and Yeontan. He turned his head to where Jungkook was pointing and cursed again. "Fuck, what are we going to do?" He panicked.

Jungkook who was also panicking looked around his surrounds. He had two options. He would either have to trespass into someone's house or he would have to do something he really didn't want to do again.

Since he didn't want the owners of the house to call the police on him for trespassing, he went with the second option. "Come on," He said as he began to climb the tree.

Taehyung watched the younger climb the tree and when he was able to, he started to climb the tree as well.

By the time, Yoongi was at a close distance, Taehyung and Jungkook were already in the tree. Both were watching Jimin play with Yeontan and Yoongi walking with his hands in his pockets until he reached Taehyung's house.

Jimin hadn't noticed his presence, so the older took that an a opportunity to observe the other. Yoongi's neutral expression turned into a smile. He hadn't seen Jimin smile very much ever since the kiss.

"What's he doing there standing?" Taehyung whispered.

"He's probably observing how cute Jimin looks while playing with Yeontan." Jungkook suggested. "The sight is too cute."

Taehyung knew the sight was too cute. He was doing the same thing earlier, only now, he felt something inside his chest once he heard Jungkook say the words 'cute' and 'Jimin'.

He didn't like the feeling or Jungkook calling Jimin cute.

Don't get him wrong, Taehyung knew Jimin was cute, but what about him? Wasn't he cute?

Reading his thoughts, Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You're cute too, I guess."

I guess.

I guess?

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