44; "i want kisses from kookie"

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I'm here with Taekook to hopefully break your uwu machine in this chapter or at least mess with your soft yet flirty Taekook heart

QOTD: What' your ideal type of date?

I personally don't have an ideal type of date because I've never dated anyone, I've been single my whole 17 years of life.


Jungkook didn't expect Taehyung to take him out to an arcade for their date, but he wasn't complaining. Jungkook smiled happily as Taehyung held his hand and led him around trying to find a two-player game for them.

The place was dimmed with a few strings of lights hanging from the ceiling and the light coming from the games.

"I figured since we're both very competitive, I thought an arcade would be the perfect first date." Taehyung smiled. "Oh, here's a two-player game."

Taehyung excitedly pulled Jungkook with him. He inserted a few coins before they could play the game.

"Just so you know," Jungkook said. "I'm the Jeon Jungkook. I'm good at everything."

Taehyung smirked as he leaned his face towards the younger's. "Whoever wins has to give the loser a dare."

"And if the loser refuses?" Jungkook teased as he leaned his face closer to Taehyung's, their breaths fanning each other, noses touching and lips mere centimeters away.

Taehyung nervously swallowed as his eyes darted between Jungkook's eyes and his lips.

"The loser has to...uh..." Taehyung's mind couldn't seem to think of anything when Jungkook, the man he confessed his love to, was mere centimeters away from him, while his lips were taunting him.

And then Taehyung said fuck it.

He couldn't hold himself back anymore. Taehyung put his hand at the back of Jungkook's head and closed the small gap between them.

Jungkook closed his eyes and smiled into the kiss as he sweetly kissed back, loving the way his lips moved against Taehyung's.

"If the loser refuses..." Taehyung spoke in between kisses. "They can't get no more kisses."

"Deal," Jungkook said as he gave the older one last peck. "But, I think that'll be hard for you since you were the one who wanted to kiss me so bad just now."

"Who says I would refuse the dare? I'm going to do it even if I don't want to because I want kisses from Kookie." Taehyung pouted as he looked at Jungkook adorably.

Jungkook raised his hand and softly traced his thumb over Taehyung's bottom lip. "So what I'm hearing is, you're going to lose?"

Taehyung softly took Jungkook's thumb that was tracing his bottom lip and give it a kiss. "No, I'm determined to win. Good luck."

Then Taehyung pressed the start bottom without even asking Jungkook if he was ready.

"You little cheater!" Jungkook said as he began the game late.

"You gotta do what you gotta do in order to win," Taehyung said with a small laugh.

"Since you want to play that way, I can too."

The whole point of the game was to win a race against the other player and they also had to collect some keys along the way. However many keys they collected, the more tickets they got, but you could also make the other player lose their keys, by throwing items at the player that the game also provides them with.

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