39; "i really want to kiss you"

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This chapter is for lambkoo I loved your comment you didn't have to come for my characters like that but you did 💀 and thank you for making me laugh. For everyone else who waited for me, I really appreciate it this extra-long chapter of 3497 words is also for you I love you guys 💜

I apologize for any grammatical errors this was a really long chapter to edit but I still tried my best

Although my mental health is not the best right now I missed writing and I just wanted to hop on and write

And have y'all seen the comeback teaser for Shadow I don't think I'm ready for MOTS: 7



"It's a dare and you have-"

"No, Jungkook," Taehyung said as he gave Jungkook a slight push so that he continue walking back to the lodge. "As I said before, the kiss from last night was closure. No more kisses."

"Well, that was some shitty kiss," Jungkook said as he began to walk behind Taehyung.

Yeontan, being forgotten by his parents, tried his best to keep up with them on his little legs.

"I'm sorry you didn't like the kiss." Taehyung sarcastically replied.

Jungkook scoffed, annoyed. "Whatever, I still hate you."

"And I still hate myself too."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as the two walked back to the lodge- along with Yeontan- without saying another word.

A worried Jin was waiting for them outside once they had walked back.

Taehyung walked past Jin and headed inside to his room where he closed the door and fell onto his bed.

Meanwhile, Jungkook has embraced Jin and his worried friends before realizing that he forgot about Yeontan.

He looked down to find the little dog only to him laying on the ground, tired from all the walking.

Jungkook picked him and kissed Yeontan's head before heading inside.

Jungkook and Taehyung avoided each other for the rest of the night.


Taehyung excitedly jumped into the lake water before rising up to the surface. He hadn't realized that he had splashed some water at a shy Yoongi who was too shy to show his chest.

Taehyung laughed as Yoongi angrily splashed water on him with one hand while using his other hand to try covering up his chest.

"Hyung, we're all men here," Taehyung said.

"I don't care, just don't wet me. I already feel exposed without having a shirt on."

"Jimin doesn't," Taehyung smirked as he turned to look behind Yoongi. "He seems to be enjoying displaying his abs."

"W-what?" Yoongi turned around and literally almost drooled. "Park Jimin, what are you doing to me," Yoongi whispered under his breath as he stared at the younger's abs.

Jimin noticed Yoongi staring at him, so he splashed water on him, making the older snap out of his daze. "I noticed you staring, hyung," Jimin said after approaching Yoongi. "We can't let the others know about us, yet."

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