40; "you just can't put your dick inside of me like that"

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Black Swan is a whole different style that BTS has never done, but they still managed to make it sound good and can we talk about the choreography because wow

Here is another chapter for you guys because I couldn't stop smiling over how nice and supportive you guys were in the previous chapter. I love you all 🥺💜

Some shitty stuff had also happened this week at school, but I was still smiling despite it. I would also catch myself smiling without even realizing I was smiling. I am really happy. I'm glad I finally decided to acknowledge my mental health because after every storm there is always a rainbow


The bright morning sun shined through the curtains causing Jungkook to wake up.

"Hobi hyung?" He asked as he squinted his eyes from the bright sun.

Jungkook saw the blanket move beside him. He pulled the blanket from the person's face to see who it was and eyes widened. Jungkook was now fully awake.

"Taehyung!" He yelled.

Taehyung jerked awake. "W-what?" He asked as he sat up and looked around before his eyes finally settled on the younger.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"This is my room," Taehyung said as he put his arms in the air to stretch.

Jungkook's eyes traveled down to Taehyung's toned bare chest. The older had gotten a slight tan which Jungkook found attractive.

"What?" Taehyung asked as he noticed the younger staring. He smirked and he leaned his face towards Jungkook's "Like what you see?"

"No! You're breath stinks!" He panicked and pushed Taehyung away.

Taehyung chuckled as he pushed the blanket away from him and stood up. He was about to make his way towards his clothes when Jungkook yelled.

"Why the fuck are you naked!? Why am I naked?!"

Taehyung calmly picked out some clean clothes to wear for himself and then picked out another set of clothes for Jungkook.

"We fucked last night." The older's said as he went back to the bed and handed Jungkook a set of clothes. "Get dressed before Hoseok gets in here."

"No, I want to know why the fuck you took advantage of me when I was drunk."

"I didn't, you were the one who mostly initiated everything," Taehyung said as he began to put on an underwear. "I kissed you after you told me you wanted me to kiss you, you stopped the kiss to take off my shirt and then you proceeded to roam your hands over my chest, so I brought you to my room where you pinned me against the wall and gave me this hickey," Taehyung paused to point at his neck before continuing. "And then it just happened."

"It just happened?!" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "Then why is my ass hurting? You put your stupid dick inside of me while I was drunk."

"You asked for it," Taehyung said as he looked at Jungkook.

"No! I was drunk. You don't take consent from a drunk person. They aren't aware of what they are doing!"

Taehyung sighed and sat on the bed beside Jungkook. The older was still in his underwear while the younger was still naked under the blankets. "I'm sorry," Taehyung said as he reached for Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook swatted Taehyung's hand away. "Sorry won't fix this. A while ago you had said you found consent sexy but look at you. You took advantage of me."

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