29; "there is never a limit to your love"

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It's a special smoll baby kitten's birthday today! Happy birthday Yoongi 🥳💘

Also guess who changed their bio? 🙃

And if you see any typos please point them out for me and I will fix them tomorrow. I'm really tired and can't keep my eyes open any longer


Jungkook took a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak. "So, you guys must be wondering why I lied." He said as he looked around the large table that barely had any room for nine people. They had just finished eating and Yugyeom and Bambam kept kicking Jungkook under the table, waiting for him to explain. Taehyung just kept staring at him waiting for answers.

"When I was younger," Jungkook started off. "My parents and my brother got into an accident." He paused to take a deep breath before continuing. Talking about his family emotionally hurt him. "I wasn't in the car when they got hit. I was with Yugyeom." Jungkook said as he glanced at his friend. "I was spending the night as his house because I needed his help on something."

The table was silent, including Yeontan who was sitting on Taehyung's lap, listening to Jungkook speak. Everyone watched as Jungkook's eyes began to to water, but he kept his tears at bay. "I never knew," He croaked out. "That, that day was going to be the worst day of life." Jungkook managed to finish his sentence before a single tear fell out of his eyes, sliding sliding down his cheek.

Yugyeom, who was sitting beside Jungkook, reached out and held Jungkook's hand as well(he's holding Bambam's hand too). Jungkook squeezed it in reassurance.

"Th-that day," Jungkook said as his voice began to crack and the rest of his tears began to fall. "Was the worst day of my life." He repeated. "I l-lost my f-family and I was hurt by someone I cared about, a l-lot, but do you guys want to know what's the funny part about that?" Jungkook bitterly laughed through his tears while glancing at his friends. He didn't even wait for them to reply and just continued to speak. "The person who I cared about a l-lot, didn't care about m-me as much as I cared about h-him. And the people who actuallyd-did care about m-me and l-loved me back d-died."

On Jungkook's other side sat Jimin. He reached for Jungkook's other hand and also held it, but it was over the table instead of under, so everyone saw the small kind gesture that Jimin did, only Taehyung didn't seem to like it much. He had an urge to wrap the younger up in a blanket, so that he'd look like a cute small burrito and and give him lots of hugs. He wanted to be the one to comfort Jungkook.

And besides, Taehyung couldn't get jealous because jimin was his best friend and he only thinks of Jungkook as friend, although the two have never acknowledged each other as a friend.

"After my parents and brother's death," Jungkook continued. "I ended up living with Yugyeom's family because were really close friends and then Bambam became our friend later on after he came to our school." Jungkook smiled through his tears as he looked at his other friend who smiled back. "Yugyeom and Bambam are my family, so I'm sorry I lied to you guys. I don't really like to talk about my past or my deceased family." Everyone around the table nodded in understanding.

Jungkook then turned to look at Taehyung. "And Taehyung," He said and Taehyung watched the tears from the youngers eyes start to build up again. "I'm sorry," He said before crying out even more.

Taehyung put Yeontan on the ground before he abruptly stood up and quickly came to Jungkook's side. He embraced the younger in a hug and hugged him tightly to which Jungkook replied back by hugging him even tighter.

Everyone was surprised at the action, even Yugyeom and Bambam, but nobody said anything. They watched as the two held on to each other tightly.

"Come on, let's go to your room," Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear to which the younger nodded and stood up, not breaking away from the hug.

Taehyung muttered a 'goodnight' before pulling Jungkook with him upstairs to his room, Yeontan following behind on his little legs.

Once the two reached Jungkook's room, the two settled on the younger's bed, not saying anything, just enjoying each other's comfort as they cuddled on the bed.

Yeontan laid on the ground beside the bed and watched the two.

Taehyung began to stroke his fingers through Jungkook's hair until Jungkook closed his eyes. Then he watched the younger sleep and couldn't help, but glance at his lips.

He leaned down towards Jungkook's face until their lips were only inches apart. He closed his eyes and was about to press his lips against Jungkook's when the younger suddenly turned to his side.

Taehyung sighed and moved away. He glanced at the younger one last time before exiting the room, but what he didn't know was that Jungkook never fell asleep and was awake the whole time.

He also purposely turned to his side so that Taehyung wouldn't kiss him.


"Jungkook, why are you crying?" Yugyeom asked as soon he opened the door and was instantly hugged by a crying Jungkook, but nonetheless, he hugged him back.

Jungkook didn't answer. Instead he hugged his friend tighter and buried his face in Yugyeom's shirt.

"Who do I have to kill?" Yugyeom asked after his best friend didn't answer his question. "Who hurt you?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I hurt myself." He cried into Yugyeom's shirt.

Yugyeom scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. "You hurt yourself?" He asked. Jungkook nodded while still in tears. Yugyeom frowned. "Did you fall and bruise or scrape your arm or something?"

Jungkook shook his head no as he pulled away from Yugyeom, breaking the hug, his tears calming down a but after hugging his friend. "I-I cared a lot for th-this one person, b-but h-he stopped caring and in th-the process, I ended up hurting m-myself for caring for s-someone so m-much."

"Who is this person?" Yugyeom asked as he balled up his fists. He was ready to punch the hell out of whoever hurt his best friend and made him cry.

Jungkook shook his head no again. "It doesn't m-matter. H-he didn't hurt me. I hurt m-myself for caring s-so much when he did n-not."

Yugyeom frowned, although his fists remained balled up. "Jungkook what are you saying? You obviously care a lot for this person if he caused you this much pain. It's not even your fault for caring so much for someone. If you care for someone, you care for them. There is never a limit to your love, so you didn't hurt yourself, he hurt you for not loving you or caring for you as much a you cared for him. Now, I'm going to ask you again, who is this person who? Who caused you this much pain?"

Jungkook's bloodshot eyes-that still had a few tears in his eyes- flickered back and forth between his best friend and the floor, not answering.

Yugyeom groaned. "Come on Jungkook. I'm not going to punch him if that's what you're worried about." He said as he unclenched his fists and let them hang on his sides. "Who hurt you?" Yugyeom repeated again.

Jungkook sighed before closing his eyes and replying,

"Kim Taehyung"

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