41; "i love jeon jungkook"

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Taehyung wasn't sure what to do at that moment. It was either telling the truth or lying, but he wasn't ready for the truth just yet. He first wanted to confess to Jungkook.

"I'm just smelly. I'll be taking a shower." Taehyung said.

Hoseok looked at him suspiciously. "Okay, but don't take too long. We're leaving today and we need everyone helping to pack up."

Hoseok walked away and Taehyung quickly closed the door. "Jungkook," He whispered.

Jungkook peeked out from under the bed and Taehyung helped the younger out.

Before Taehyung could open the door to let the other out, Jungkook grabbed his face and gave him a quick kiss to which Taehyung happily accepted.

"You do reek of sex," Jungkook said.

"We both do. Now go to your room and get your things ready for a shower. I told hyung I was going to shower, so I'll just shower after you." Taehyung said as he opened the door and made sure there was no one around.

"You should join me," Jungkook suggested. "Since we both reek of sex and it'll save water."

Taehyung hesitated. "It's risky, what if we get caught."

Jungkook looked at the older with his big adorable doe eyes and Taehyung couldn't help but get in.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the bathroom."

The two boys successfully made it to the bathroom without running into Hoseok or anyone else.

Taehyung made sure the door was locked before he began to undress. Then, he stepped in the shower with Jungkook.

"Hey Taehyung," Jungkook said as the older wrapped his arms around him and the two stood under the running water.


"What if I had a dare for you?" Jungkook questioned, his fingers tangling themselves in the older's hair.

"And what would that be?" Taehyung said as he leaned into the younger's touch.

"I'm still mad and I can't just forgive you easily for what you did so, I dare you to make it up to me."

"Make it up? How?"

Jungkook smiled as he leaned in and gave Taehyung a slow gentle kiss. "You know how." He whispered against the older's lips.

Taehyung kissed back following the younger's pace, loving the taste of Jungkook's lips.

The two boys seemed to not get enough of each other's kisses.

Taehyung reached out behind Jungkook and grabbed the shampoo bottle with one hand. He broke away from the kiss to pour some shampoo on his hand before instructing Jungkook to turn around.

Jungkook eagerly did and stuck his ass out. He seemed to know what Taehyung was going to do.

Taehyung covered his dick in shampoo before lining up against Jungkook's ass.

"Ready baby boy?"

Jungkook stuck his ass out even more as if saying yes.

Taehyung pushed his member in Jungkook as the younger moaned in slight pain. Taehyung didn't move for a few seconds, letting Jungkook adjust. He also kissed the younger's earlobe in reassurance before Jungkook whispered an '0kay'.

Taehyung wasn't sure how Jungkook's body felt from the night before so he decided to go slow and gentle on him.

"Why are you going slow?" Jungkook asked.

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