21; "does this mean round two"

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To the little FBI agent in my phone who updated the wattpad app YOUR MOM'S A HOE

Also about the chapter, this is all I have to say for you guys



"You do not know how hard it is for me to resist myself from not kissing you right in front of them." Namjoon said the moment he stepped inside the kitchen.

Hoseok and Jungkook had gone home already while Jimin was already in his room, getting ready to sleep. Taehyung and Yoongi did not make it to dinner again, but it didn't worry the two lovers in the kitchen at the moment. They knew Taehyung and Yoongi were close, so as long as they were with each other, then they didn't feel the need to worry.

"And you...," Jin said as he turned off the running water and placed the last dish he was currently washing in the dish rack before he turned around to face Namjoon. He approached the younger and placed his arms around Namjoon's neck before moving his lips to his ear.  "...do not know how it is for me to resist myself from going further than just innocent kisses."

Jin then lowered his head to Namjoon's neck and gave it a gentle kiss. "I want more." He whispered.

Namjoon shivered, before replying back in a whisper as well. "Then let's do more."

Jin raised his head to face the younger in the eyes before pressing his lips onto Namjoon's. It started off as innocent kisses, but soon those innocent kisses turned into heated ones as Jin's lips kept coming back to Namjoon's each time they pulled away for air.

"Bedroom." Namjoon managed to say through the kisses.

Jin managed to direct themselves to his bedroom without breaking away the heated make out session.

Once the door was closed, Jin broke away to push Namjoon down on the bed. The older crawled up the bed and hovered over the younger before they continued their not so innocent kisses.

Jin's hands began to push the younger's shirt up before Namjoon- who was desperate for Jin's hands on him- broke the kiss and in a swift movement, removed his own shirt and then proceeded to remove the older's shirt as well.

The rest of the clothing was ripped off quick, Jin too desperate to feel the younger's skin under his touch and Namjoon too excited the feel the older inside of him.

Jin chuckled before he laid fully on top of Namjoon, his hand delving down over Namjoon's bare torso as his fingers smoother over the pink nub.

Namjoon flinched from the sudden action as his body twisted, the pleasure being something that was so sudden that his body tried to jerk away from it.

Jin's other hand pinned down Namjoon's hip as he lowered his body onto him, holding his weight up with his arms, so he didn't squish the younger beneath him.

Their hipbonees clashed together, their sweaty chests melding as one of their lips tangled together once more.

Jin cupped the back of Namjoon's head, fingers slipping through his sweaty hair until he had a handful and tugged the wet strands carefully.

Namjoon groaned, his lips parting for only a second as Jin took the advantage to slip his tongue in.

Namjoon groaned once again, his moans meeting Jin's ears as Jin praised him with his tongue. Jin's mouth was warm and tenger, a burning heat flowing from him as his tongue rolled over Namjoon's.

The excitement burned between the two as Namjoon wrapped his leg around Jin's waist.

The older took this as an advantage as the younger already had his legs open wide for him. Jin lined up his member in front of Namjoon's hole and before pushing it in, he broke the kiss before kissing the younger once again only this time, it was a gentle kiss on the lips. "I'm sorry, I have no lubricant." He whispered against his lips. "It'll hurt at first, but the pain will go away soon."

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