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First of all, I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read my book and commenting. It makes me really happy to see that people have enjoyed my books and although it's been almost two years, I've enjoyed writing this story so much. I'm going to miss writing it.

Heck, I already miss writing it.

But don't get too sad, I'll post random special chapters out of nowhere so look out for those.

Some of these also aren't questions, but I still included them.



Q: Do you love Jungkook? Like really? So you want to marry him?
A: Of course I love Jungkook, we're going to get married in the future.

Q: Will you be committed to Jungkook?
A: I'm already committed to him.

Q: Hewo can you be my mom? I wuv chu so much.
A: No, sorry, I'm only daddy, Jungkook's daddy and he's my daddy too.

Q: Can you like meet the homophobic friends of yours again? Like a school reunion or something? I just need you to punch them in the face.
A: Actually, I was talking to authornim about that. There could possibly be a special chapter about that, but don't tell authornim that I told you.

Q: Any kinks?
A: I love when Jungkook calls me hyung. He's never called me that, but in bed.

Q: Do you want to spend the rest of your life with Jungkook?
A: Jungkook is the love of my life, so of course I would.

Q: Can I be your child? 🥺💕 I'll be nice to my brother Yeontan I promise! He'll be like my precious little brother
A: I already have a child with Jungkook, Yeontan. And Yeontan doesn't love to share his parents love with anyone. He's a greedy, cute, little dog.

Q: What the hell were you thinking to turn away your childhood best friend over two doorknobs from middle school and their insignificant opinions??
A: I understand that what I did was wrong, but I was in middle school, I didn't know about love, yet. I was also at an age where people's opinions mattered to me and I didn't want to get bullied. It wasn't worth it, though. I missed Kookie, I'm glad that we settled the past.

Q: How's Yeontan
A: Yeontan is doing great except I wish he could leave whenever me and Jungkook want to fuck. He's just always there, doing nothing, but watching us. I think Jungkook and I influenced him when we first kissed. He just watched it all.


Q: Do you want commitment of being Tae's boyfriend.
A: Of course I do, we're already committed.

Q: Can you be my dad thank chuuu
A: Uhh....sorry I'm already Taehyung's daddy and he's my daddy too.

Q: If you meet anyone homophobic what's yours reaction going to be? If they said something about you and Tae what would you do?
A: I'd grab Taehyung's head and kiss him in front of them and then tell them that at least I get laid and they don't.

Q: How would you feel about lingerie? You or Tae wearing it? 👀
A: Hmm...I respect people who wear it, but it wouldn't work for me and Taehyung. We're too eager to fuck sometimes.

Q: Do you have any regrets falling in love for Taehyung and sharing kisses between the two of you before together
A: No, I don't have any regrets. It helped Taehyung come to accept his feelings for me and that it is alright to love anyone regardless of your gender.

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