28; "we're adopting Jungkook, right"

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"Hey, Taehyung, are Jungkook and his parents here? I was just about to make some food for us and-" Jin paused upon noticing the the two new males that entered the kitchen behind Taehyung and Jungkook. "Wow, you're parents are young, Jungkook." Jin complimented, although it did seem a little suspicious to him. They looked like they were the same age as Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed and turned to look at Taehyung. "I'll explain everything once the food is ready and everyone is seated."

Taehyung nodded his head while eyeing the two males behind Jungkook. "Call me down when the food is ready, hyung." He said to Jin before leaving the four people in the kitchen. He made his way upstairs to his room where Hoseok was already waiting for him, Yeontan in his arms.

Hoseok looked up upon noticing Taehyung's presence. He put the little dog on the ground before standing up. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"Me?" Taehyung questioned. "I'm just as surprised as you."

Hoseok shook his head. "That's not what I meant. I want to know about the almost kiss that happened twice."

Taehyung sighed. "There's nothing much to talk about. Especially when he lied and brought those two that are currently downstairs."

Hoseok frowned. "Did something happened between you four back in middle school?"

"Something happened between Jungkook and I, but I nothing between his friends. They became friends once I stopped talking to Jungkook. Although, I never knew why his two friends were always giving me mean looks every time I walked past them in the hallways."

Hoseok now narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, something definitely happened."

"First you're going to hear Jungkook and his friends explain while we eat, then you'll hear my story after we come back up stairs."

Hoseok raised his eyebrows in confusion. "You're not going to share your story with the others as well?"

Taehyung raised his hands in defense. "I'm still shocked about what happened with Jungkook and I'm sure the rest of our friends will be too once they find out, so I'm pretty sure they'll be more interested in why Jungkook's parents look so young and the same age as him than me talking about my childhood."

"Okay, but as soon as we come back up, you will tell me everything."

Taehyung nodded before he picked up Yeontan and showered the little dog with lots of love and kisses.


Everyone around the table was feeling different emotions.

Jin's stomach was rambling and couldn't wait to eat, but at the same time he was confused as to why Jungkook's parents looked so young.

Namjoon with an IQ of 148, knew something was not right, right away after noticing how young Jungkook's so called parents looked.

Yoongi was surprised and couldn't help, but stare at the two males that he thought were Jungkook's parents.

Jimin was feeling a pang of jealousy as he watched Yoongi stare at the two new males. He wasn't really concerned why Jungkook's parents looked so young.

Hoseok wasn't as surprised anymore as he met the two young males outside, but he was hungry.

Taehyung flicked his gaze back and forth between Jungkook and his friends, glaring at the two males. He wanted some answers.

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