30; "you call that a kiss"

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Let's talk about NCT 127's new mv for their upcoming Japanese album. First off, Donghyuck is back I missed him. Then we have rapper Jaehyun making a comeback. Johnny's intro where he is speaking in English and his long, silky hair, Mark and Jungwoo's blonde hair. Yuta finally got some more lines and when he's wearing that yellow jacket idk but I love it 😍 and of course the other members looking ethereal as well

lilac-stars this chapter is for you because you requested this a little while ago and I also feel proud of it 😉


"Jimin," Yoongi said once everyone else had said goodnight and gone to sleep. There was only one bed in the room and he wanted to ask the younger if it was okay for the both of them to share the bed.

Jimin was turned around, his back facing Yoongi. "I'll take the floor." He said as if reading the older's thoughts.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to wake up with back pain in the morning." Yoongi said.

Jimin nodded, still not turning around. "Yeah, I'm sure." He said before removing his shirt, leaving Yoongi to stare at his shirtless back.

"Really? I can always take the floor and you can-" Yoongi paused and took a deep breath once Jimin turned around to face him. "-you can t-take the bed." He finished in a whisper as his eyes gazed at Jimin's shirtless chest and abs.

Jimin, oblivious to his affect on Yoongi, approached the older. "I'm tired, I just want to close my eyes. I could care less where I sleep."

"Well if you're tired then you should-"

"Hyung," Jimin whispered, placing a finger on Yoongi's lips to stop him from talking. "I said I was fine with sleeping on the floor."

Yoongi stared at Jimin with wide eyes. Not only his shirtless chest and finger on his lips had distracted him, but the fact that Jimin's confidence appeared out of nowhere surprised the older. Jimin had been avoiding him for the past two weeks and only talked to him when necessary.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Jimin frowned upon noticing Yoongi's wide eyes. He removed his finger from the older's lips, thinking that, that was the cause for Yoongi's expression. He then blushed after realizing that he had placed his finger on Yoongi's lips. "Sorry, I didn't-"

Yoongi didn't let Jimin finish as he leaned down towards the younger's face and placed his lips on his.

Just like their first kiss, this one was also a soft innocent kiss that you usually see while watching a drama.

Yoongi smiled after leaning his head back away from Jimin. He blushed. "Sorry, your lips were calling at me to kiss you."

Jimin scoffed. "Really?" He asked as he crossed his arms and Yoongi suddenly became worried. "You call that a kiss?" Yoongi slowly nodded. "Hyung," Jimin said he moved closer to Yoongi, their bodies now touching. "I thought that you would of learned how to give me a proper kiss by now."

"What? Jimin-"

Yoongi felt Jimin's soft lips brushing against his as the younger kissed him. It wasn't one of those innocent kisses like the two have done before. Their lips moved together, teeth grazing against each other's lips as Jimin dominated the kiss, before Yoongi took over.

He gently pushed Jimin against the wall without breaking away from the kiss. Yoongi's hand gripped Jimin's waist as he pulled their bodies even closer than they already were. Jimin wasn't sure where to settle his hands on, but finally he decided to place them under Yoongi's shirt, running his small hands up and down his chest and on his sides.

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