26; "I'm going with Namjoon and that's official"

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The next two days went by quick, that it was now Friday. It was the day that were going to go on their trip.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi complained. "I thought we were going on a plane? I even brought a neck pillow, so that I could of been able to sleep peacefully."

"Hyung, just be glad that I'm taking you on a trip." Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes. "Besides, I figured that we'd bond more if we went in a car together." He smiled.

"And how are all of us going to fit when there is so much luggage?" Jin asked as he looked at both of his friend's suitcases. He eyed Taehyung's suspiciously. "Why do you have five suitcases?"

"Well," Taehyung began. He pointed at the first suitcase. "That one has my outfits and this one," He pointed at the next one. "Has all of my necessities such as my toothbrush, extra toothbrushes, tooth paste, extra tooth paste mouth wash-"

"Let me guess," Jin interrupted. "Extra mouth wash?"

Taehyung shook his head no. "Jars, I many jars because you know, just in case there is a emergency-"

"Hold up," Yoongi suddenly interrupted. Everyone's attention turned towards him. "Where exactly are we going?"

"We're going to this one lodge place up in the mountains. It's really pretty."

"The mountains?" Yoongi questioned. Taehyung nodded. "Are you going to share your jars with me, Taehyung, just in case you know there's an emergency?" The older asked.

Jin wanted to face palm as he stared at his two friends in front of him. "I'm sure there'll be bathrooms, so the jars won't be necessary."

"Okay," Taehyung nodded before he pointed to the next suitcase. "That one is filled with Yeontan's stuff and that last one," He pointed at the last suitcase. "Is filled with stuff for me and Jungkook."

Yoongi smirked. "What kind of stuff?"

"Just stuff for us." The younger replied.

"Oh really?" Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows. He made sure Jin didn't see him.

Taehyung glared at him. "Yes, hyung."

Yoongi chuckled. "Okay, whatever you say.

Jin clapped his hands to get their attention.
"Okay, now let's figure out how all seven of us will fit in a small car with a little dog, and Taehyung's many suitcases."

"Actually hyung, it's nine of us." Taehyung corrected. He ignored what Jin said about his luggage.

"What? Nine? I went to school, I know how to count-"

"I invited Jungkook's parents."

"Jungkook's parents?" Jin and Yoongi asked at the same time. Taehyung nodded.

"I don't think I've ever met his parents." Yoongi said.

"Me either." Jin added.

"Well we'll be meeting them today."

"We won't fit in my car." Jin said while eyeing up Taehyung's luggage. The younger noticed and glared. "How about we split up? I'm going with Namjoon and that's official."

"I'm going with Jimin!" Yoongi announced quickly, although things between the two are still not good which was one of the main purposes of the trip; to sort things out.

"I'm going with Jungkook!" Taehyung also announced quickly.

The two other males turned to look at him. Yoongi gave him a knowing look while smirking.

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