22; "Yoongi will not be our child's godparent"

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I just finished watching one of the best korean movies ive seen. It's called Missing I definitely recommend it, you can watch it on the Viki app for free.

And, if you guys haven't listened to Ariana Grande's new album thank u, next, I also recommend it. Bloodline, fake smile, and bad idea are my top favorites.



"How's everything going with Jin hyung?"

Namjoon sighed dreamingly at the mention of his lover. "Everything is going just perfect. Actually, everything about him is perfect. My Seokjinnie is perfect."

"Wow, you're not even calling him hyung. You called him Seokjinnie." Hoseok chuckled as he dipped his fry in ketchup.

The two went out to eat lunch together on their break again and decided to settle for some burgers and fries. They also made sure to avoid that restaurant where Namjoon broke the ice machine.

Namjoon nodded while in his still dreamingly trance of Jin. "I love the way we kiss, his lips seem to have some kind of magic that reels me in each time and craving for more."

"I don't need to know-"

"And I love the way he deepens the kiss while his hands roaming all over my body and making me feel-"

"Okay, I really don't need-"

"-like I'm the only one that matters."


"Like his lips, his hands have some kind of magic that makes me crave-"


"-his touch even more, especially while under the blanket."

Hoseok placed his ketchup filled fry. "Please-"

"Yes, that's what I told him that last night. We went at three times and I begged him to go harder, to f-"


"-fuck me harder. I said, please fuck me harder daddy."

"We're at-"

"After , he basically slammed into me so hard that I was seeing stars."

"Namjoon, please-"

"One of the best nights of my life."

Hoseok paused to make sure that Namjoon was done talking, so that he wouldn't be interrupted again. Once he was sure, he continued, "Okay, one, I didn't need to know about your sex life and two, you basically exposed yourself as a bottom."

"Jin didn't let me put my dick inside of him."

Hoseok face palmed. "Did you not hear the part where I said that I didn't need to know about your sex life?"

"Oh sorry, but hey, now you know everything is perfect between me and Jin." Namjoon smiled wide, his dimples prominent.

"A little more than perfect if you tell me. Now, I'm not very hungry anymore." Hoseok said as he gave his unfinished fries and half eaten hamburger to Namjoon. "I'll be going first. I'll see you tonight at Jin and Jimin's place, that is if I'm able to eat dinner after hearing you talk about your sex life. Bye, Namjoon."

Namjoon still slightly in a daze over just explaining to his best friend about his and Jin's relationship, nodded, not really listening to what the other said as he was still thinking about the way Jin's bare skin felt against his own bare skin.

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