47; "stop being so selfless"

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Dare Devils is #1 in dares ahhh I'm so happy here's another long chapter for you guys thank you so much 🥺💜

This first part of the chapter was also meant to be smut like the previous chapter but I changed things up because I wanted to focus on Hoseok


It's been four years.

Taehyung and Jungkook have been happy together, occasionally giving each other dares, while taking care of their little dog, Yeontan, who isn't so little anymore.

Namjoon and Jin have been a lot more open about their relationship and by that, I mean Namjoon and Jin not giving a fuck if Jimin was home and listening to Namjoon's moans as Jin fucked him in the room next door.

Yoongi and Jimin have been living in their own world of sunshine and rainbows. Yoongi is all soft and cutesy with Jimin, but his attitude is the opposite when it comes to his friends. He still loves them, but he loves Jimin more.

Yugyeom and Bambam have been thinking about marriage. They've been together since high school, so after seven years they'd eventually think it was time to tie the knot. They were ecstatic and even asked Jungkook if he could their man of honor.

Heck, even Yeontan was living his life. He wasn't as little as he was before, he had grown, but he was still the cutest little dog Taehyung and Jungkook had ever seen. Yeontan enjoyed having the attention of both his parents on him.

Hoseok? Well, as much as his heart still hurt whenever he saw Yoongi and Jimin together and happy, he tried his best to stay happy.

He distracted himself with dancing since that's what he loved other than his friends and Yoongi and Jimin. Hoseok had even opened up his own dance studio now where students would come in each day of the week and practice.

Sometimes his friends would come to his dance studio and dance as well, but he was surprised when Yugyeom and Bambam had shown up one day.

Now, it became a habit for Hoseok to see them in their dance class. The three of them would walk together to Jin and Jimin's house, talking about the dance covers they had done that day and how Bambam kept staring at Yugyeom's ass.

"I can't help myself!" Bambam exclaimed as he tried to cover up the blush on his cheeks as Yugyeom and Hoseok teased him. "Your ass just looks perfect in those sweatpants."

"Your ass looks perfect without anything on." Yugyeom teased making Bambam's face turn even redder.

"Don't get too flirty." Hoseok playfully threatened. "I'm still single."

"Don't worry hyung, love will come to you one day," Bambam said, trying to change the subject.

It worked because Yugyeom's expression turned serious when he looked at Hoseok. "You should try again."

Hoseok sighed, his playful smile disappearing. "They're happy, though." He said, referring to Yoongi and Jimin.

"But you're not," Yugyeom said. "Stop being so selfless. Sometimes you have to be selfish and snatch that happiness for yourself."

"And if they don't feel the same way?"

"As long as you confess your feelings for them and they understand your love for them is more than just friends, you'll be okay. Even if Yoongi and Jimin don't feel that same way about you, you'll feel that heavy weight of sadness lifted off your shoulders."

"Yugyeom is right," Bambam said, his cheeks no longer red. "Your heart isn't at rest. Make peace with your heart even if Yoongi and Jimin don't feel the same way, at least you'll be able to move on. I know that the happiest people can be hurting the most and yet, no one would know, but we know and we care about you Hoseok. Be selfish for once. Get that happiness you deserve."

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