12; "Taehyung thinks that only him and Jimin can be twins"

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You were so quick to read the last chapter after I had barely just uploaded it and I loved reading your comments so this chapter is for you Emerson418 💜


"Jin, I have something to tell you." Namjoon said as he paused and to take a deep breath before continuing. "I think I'm in love with you."

I think I'm in love with you?

Namjoon paused again and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He sighed. "No that won't work. Why is this so hard?" Namjoon pulled at his hair in frustration. "I need help."

Namjoon sent a quick text and then quickly left the bathroom to get dressed for work. He was already late. His morning routine has been like this for the past few days.


Namjoon looked around the living room to see everyone engrossed on the kdrama that was currently on tv. He decided that, that was when he should make his move.

Namjoon quietly stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen were Jin was currently washing the dishes they had used during dinner.

Upon sensing Namjoon's presence, Jin turned around and smiled. "Hey Namjoon, can you help me with the dishes?"

Namjoon eagerly nodded. Jin had never seen someone so eager to help with the dishes. Every time he asked Jimin, he would complain that his hands would get dry from wetting them so much.

Each time that Jin would hand Namjoon a plate to rinse off, their hands would brush and Namjoon couldn't help but mentally squeal.

As they were rinsing off the last dish, Namjoon decided that it was now or never.



"I have something to tell you." Namjoon suddenly started to feel nervous.

"Did you break another piece of furniture of mine?" Jin immediately asked. "What did you break?"


"Did you break my flower vase?"

"Uh... no, it's not about your flower vase."

Jin sighed in relief. "Oh okay, good because I really love that flower vase."

Namjoon nervously chuckled. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he prepared himself to finally confess his feelings to Jin. "Jin, I-"

"Hobi hyung!"

"Who's yelling in my house?" Jin asked annoyed. "Wait, never mind. I already know who it is, continue."

Namjoon took another deep breath before he prepared himself to speak once again. "I-"

"I am more handsome because I'm older than that coconut head!"

Jin sighed irritatedly. "Taehyung is going to get it. No one yells in my house, but please continue Namjoon."

"Okay," Namjoon nervously gulped. "I lo-"

"No, I am because I'm the maknae and everyone loves the maknae!"

Jin sighed irritated once again. "Why are they yelling in my house?" He stomped out of the kitchen leaving behind a defeated Namjoon.

"I was so close." He said.

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