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I'm sorry for not updating when I said I was. I got your guy's hopes up for an update that never came.

I would become stressed out because of school. My grades would be doing fine one day and then the next I would be failing some of them or near failing.

It's my senior year of high school. I have to take everything seriously.

I love writing, but as much I loved it I couldn't.

Not only that but sometimes I would lose inspiration. I had already planned out this next chapter a long time ago ever since the last time I updated which was in July, but I just couldn't find the words or inspiration to write it.

I took a small break for a while hoping I would get inspiration soon, but my depression kicked in and so did my anxiety and I felt like shit.

I felt worthless and unhappy. My life no longer felt like it had meaning.

I tried my best to cover it up by pretending like I was okay, but sometimes I just didn't have the strength to pretend and I was told that I looked so emotionless.

My OCD also got worse. I'm constantly washing my hands. It got so has that my skin started peeling off from my hands and my arms felt dry I couldn't move them and if I did it hurt.

I'm still feeling sad and lonely and I still pretend like everything is okay when it's not, but I'll find happiness soon.

My little sister has sorta helped me in a way even though she doesn't know it. She's so innocent and naive and I feel a bit better when I'm with her because she doesn't have to worry about anything yet, so I don't worry about anything while I'm with her.

Don't worry I haven't given up on this book yet of any of my other books. I will still continue writing.

At the moment I started writing again and even finished a whole chapter with a 2342 word count of my other Taekook book Loved, but will be currently being edited.

I also started writing this book again and have another 500(?) words typed out I think. It might take me a few days but I WILL update.

Please wait for me while I write this next chapter and please have patience with me whenever I suddenly disappear off Wattpad for a while.

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