31; "right in front of my fucking salad"

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Check out Everglow and their song Bon Bon Chocolat if you haven't already


"Where are you going?"

Taehyung paused midway out the door as he was putting on his shoes . He didn't even get to tie them.


Hoseok crossed his arms as he sat up from the shared bed that the two shared last night as there was only one bed in the room. He raised an eyebrow, patiently waiting.

"I was going to... brush my teeth!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"You already brushed your teeth."

"No I-"

"Taehyung," Hoseok interupted. "I heard you rummaging through your things so I opened my eyes to check the time and it said 7 am. For a second I was wondering what the hell you were doing awake at 7 am, but then when I turned back to look at you, you pulled out one of your million toothpastes and toothbrushes that you brought and left the room to brush your teeth in the bathroom. You didn't even notice me staring at you or that you woke me up with your noise."

Taehyung looked down feeling embarrassed that he got caught. Hoseok felt bad, so he quickly added, "You're just lucky that I'm not Yoongi or else he would of cursed at you for waking him up. Did I ever tell you about the time that he cursed at me when I woke up him up?" Hoseok said as he watched Taehyung raise his head to look at him but he didn't wait for his answer and continued talking. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I something else to discuss with you."

Taehyung nervously avoided Hoseok's gaze as he already knew what Hoseok wanted to talk about. He began to tie his shoes as he did not get to tie them because he was in a rush. Taehyung also did it as an excuse to not look at Hoseok.

"Last night, before dinner, you said you were going to tell me about your past with Jungkook, but you ended up going to bed early, so you didn't tell me. Now, since we're both awake, I'm waiting for you to speak." Hoseok said as he looked at Taehyung who had finished tying his shoes. He was looking everywhere around the room at but him.

Taehyung was afraid of this conversation. He only told Hoseok that he would tell him about his past with Jungkook, so that Hoseok wouldn't bother him about it. "I..." He trailed off as his gaze finally decided to settle on Yeontan, who was licking it's little paw while lying on his little dog bed. "I was just about to-" He paused. "-are you sure you want talk about this right now? Isn't it a little too early for deep conversations? If we start off the day like this, then I don't know, it'll just feel weird, right? Why don't we wait until after dinner again? I'll stay awake this time. I just feel like right now-" Taehyung immediately stopped rambling at the sound of objects falling coming from the room next door.

"Is that Yoongi and Jimin?" Hoseok asked as his conversation with Taehyung was long forgotten.

More objects were heard falling and a "Jimin be careful!" came after before a loud thud.

Taehyung immediately rushed out of the room and behind him Hoseok scrambled out of bed before following him.

"Jimin? Yoongi?" Taehyung asked as he stood in front of the door of their shared room. "Is everything okay in there?"

After receiving no answer, Taehyung turned to look at Hoseok with a questioning look as if asking what to do next. Hoseok signaled him to open the door.

Taehyung didn't want to open the door because he was afraid that there could be something on like one of them getting dressed, but after hearing more objects falling inside their room, he put his hand on the doorknob. He was about to open the door, but it suddenly opened from the other side startling Taehyung and Hoseok. 

"Oh, hi hyung, hi Tae." Jimin said.

"Hi Jimin." Taehyung and Hoseok said unsion.

"Is everything okay?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, everything is okay. Why do you ask?"

"We heard objects falling and we heard Yoongi telling you to be careful." Taehyung said.

"Oh," Jimin chuckled. "Yoongi was just telling me to be careful because I almost tripped and then I actually did end up tripping."

"Jimin," They heard Yoongi's voice from inside the room before he appeared beside Jimin in nothing but his underwear. "Oh," He said when he noticed the two concerned males standing at his door. Yoongi's cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment.

"I have to go help Jin hyung in the kitchen." Jimin suddenly said and pushed past Taehyung and Hoseok before trying to walk away quickly.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Yoongi, questionly, while Taehyung watched the way his best friend walked.

Is he limping?


"What happened with Taehyung last night?" Yugyeom asked the moment Jungkook woke up.

Jungkook covered his face and ears in attempt to block out the sunlight that was streaming in the room and Yugyeom's question. "I'm trying to sleep." He moaned out from under his blanket.

Yugyeom who was sitting on his bed, stood up and walked towards Jungkook's bed before jumping on him. "No you're not. You're awake. Now answer my question!" Yugyeom demanded as he sat on top of Jungkook's body and removed the blanket from Jungkook's face.

"Bambam! Collect your boyfriend." Jungkook called out as he glared up at Yugyeom.

"What is Yugyeom doing?" Bambam asked as he emerged from the closet wearing a black shirt and black skinny jeans.

Yugyeom gawked at his boyfriend for a second before gesturing him to come over to him. Bambam obediently walked to his boyfriend before sitting down beside Yugyeom-on top of Jungkook as well- and leaning his face close to his.

"You look so beautiful." Yugyeom whispered.

Bambam blushed before complimenting his boyfriend as well. "You look ravishing."

"In pajamas?" Yugyeom asked.

Bambam nodded. "Yeah, you look ravishing in anything, even in pajamas," He gestured towards Yugyeom's attire. "And when you wear nothing as well."

"You do too." Yugyeom said before pulling his boyfriend's face closer to his and kissing him.

"I told you guys to stop flirting and kissing in front of me." Jungkook complained as he stared at the two males kissing.

"Shut up, Jungkook." Yugyeom muttered through his kiss with Bambam.

Jungkook groaned in annoyance. "Right in front of my fucking salad."

Yugyeom flipped Jungkook off before leaning back and pulling Bambam along with him. The two were practically making out while laying on top of Jungkook's body.

"Get off me! You guys are heavy!" Jungkook attempted to push the two males off but instead he ended up making their crotches rub against each other in the process.

The two let out a moan and at the same time the door of their room opened.

"Jungkook-" Taehyung paused upon hearing the sound he just heard and the position the three males were in.

"Shit!" Jungkook cursed he stared at a wide eyed Taehyung.

"I'll just let you guys go back to...whatever that is." He said before closing the door.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Jungkook cursed once again. "Get off!" He yelled at his friends as he was able to successfully push them off this time. "Taehyung just saw you two kissing and heard you guys fucking moaning while you guys were laying on top of me! What if he gets the wrong idea or-"

Jungkook stopped talking as he noticed his friends were not paying attention to him at all. They were still busy sucking each other's faces off. "Oh my fucking god!" He said as he watched his friends begin to undress himself. "I'm not watching porn." Jungkook said before running out of the room.


I have part of the next chapter typed out and I'm excited for this one because there's a special Taekook moment in it and y'all will be thanking Yeontan for it

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