45; "good because i love you so much"

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Fuck corona I just want to graduate. I feel like the government has a cure for it but doesn't want to seem suspicious for having a cure so quickly so they're hiding it from us but then again idk everyone has different thoughts and opinions

QOTD: What are your thoughts on the coronavirus?


"Mhm..." Jungkook put his hand under his chin, pretending to be thinking about his answer while also teasing Taehyung. "I can still choose the other option right?"

Taehyung's jaw dropped open, not believing that Jungkook was going to reject him. "I..." He was at a loss for words.

"I'm just joking." Jungkook smiled and put his arms around the older's neck before pulling him close. "Of course, I'll be your boyfriend." He whispered against Taehyung's lips before connecting their lips together.

Taehyung smiled into the kiss, softly moving his lips against Jungkook's, loving how soft his boyfriend's lips felt against his own.

Taehyung felt butterflies in his stomach as Jungkook tangled his hand into the older's hair as he deepened the kiss.

As much as Taehyung would love to make out with his boyfriend, they were still in public, so he broke away from the kiss, Jungkook let out a whine or protest.

"We're still in public, babe," Taehyung said. "And I don't want you to go any further than just kissing me. There are kids here." He gestured to the kids around.

"But I'm your boyfriend now, so that shouldn't matter," Jungkook said as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck.

"Let's go change our tickets to prize money and then we can go to my house and have some fun." Taehyung winked as he placed a kiss on the younger's lips. "A homophobic lady is glaring at us. We should go before she starts to say stuff." He whispered while dragging along Jungkook.

The two changed their ticket money and Taehyung chose to buy a big stuffed bear. Jungkook, on the other hand, couldn't buy anything as big as Taehyung's prize. Since he lost a few games, he bought a smaller stuffed animal. It was a little tiger. He chose it because it reminded him of Taehyung.

"Look I got this because it reminded me of you," Jungkook said as he showed his little stuffed animal to Taehyung as they walked to the older's house.

"I actually had a little bunny stuffed animal when I was younger." Taehyung smiled as he recalled the memory of Jungkook giving it to him. "You gave it to me and I gave you a tiger stuffed animal so that whenever we were sad, we would hug the stuffed animal and think of each other."

"Really?" Jungkook asked a bit disappointed that he couldn't remember.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, but it's okay if you don't remember. At least you have another stuffed tiger that will remind you of me."

"But you don't have anything that will remind you of me," Jungkook whined.

"This huge bear in my arms will remind me of the day that you became my boyfriend. I wouldn't have dared you if I hadn't won most of the games and I wouldn't have won this bear either if I didn't have so many tickets." Taehyung said.

Jungkook smiled and grabbed Taehyung's arm, causing him to stop and turn to look at the younger, but was surprised when Jungkook placed a kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Taehyung."

"I love you too, Jungkook."


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